Forever Has a Meaning

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It's been a year. It's been crazy. "So how are you feeling?" Fangs ask helping me get ready. "Nervous." We're in Florida at Disney. Veronica, Betty, Sweet Pea and Fangs are here. "She's gonna say yes." He reminds me. "I know." I whisper. "But there's a chance she'll say no. She did make it clear we are too young." I state. "Yes but she's never loved anyone as much as you and that was last year." I nod. "Ready?" Sweet Pea ask walking out of a stall. "Yeah." I whisper. "She'll say yes. She's been talking about marring you the day you met. She has the wedding all planned out." I walk out of the bathroom and go over to Toni. "You look like your about to pass out." Toni smiles. We start walking to the castle. "I just wish Jason was here to see this." She smiles. I get down on one knee. "See what?" She looks at me and gasp. "Oh." She smiles. "The day I met you I fell in love. We didn't have a relationship at the beginning. when we met I was in a dark place, but you, you helped me find the light. We've been together 4 years we might as well be married why don't we make it official." She smiles. "Of course." I look at her in shock. "Really?" She nods. "In a heart beat." I stand up and put the ring on her. She looks at it and kisses me. "You're right. Jason would have loved to see this." She smiles. We kiss again and everyone starts cheering but neither of us are focused on them, we're just lost in each other. "Do you know what's funny?" She ask quietly. "About a month or two ago I was talking to Veronica and she actually had to talk me out of buying a ring." She whispers. "Do you know what's even better?" I cup her cheek. She shakes her head. "The whole thing with Jason was kinda Bull Shit we did this trip before he died. I just promised him I would bring the love of my life here." She smiles and kisses me. "I love you, forever." She whispers. "I love you, forever. And now it's actually gonna happen." I whisper. "Forever." We kiss again. "Let's enjoy the rest of the day." I whisper.

"So have you guys chosen a date yet?" Veronica ask quietly. "We got engaged yesterday what do you think we did the second we got back?" I ask. "Sex?" She ask scared. I look at her. "We didn't talk. Besides I'm leaving most of that to you Toni and who ever she needs to help her, because I don't know where to start." I take some coffee. Toni walks out to the breakfast buffet. "Hey baby." I kiss her. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "Nothing. I went to get the boys up and They decided it was great time to have a half naked girl walk out of his room. I honestly think they had a threesome." She smiles. "No!" I hit her arm as she gives me that look. "That was one of our agreements." I walk to the table Betty and Veronica are sitting at. I take a deep breath. "What was that?" Veronica ask laughing. "Nothing!" I eat my food. Toni sits next to me. "Maybe-." I shake my head. "No way in hell." She looks down. "Ok. You know I'm gonna being this up in a month." I nod. "So don't mention until then." She smiles and kisses me. "What's the plan for today?" I ask smiling. "Same as yesterday just no proposal." Betty smiles. "Did you guys know?" Toni ask quietly. "Yes!" They both say at the same time.

"This is weird." I say looking at Sweet Pea and Fangs. "You're closer to Toni than me." I whisper. "Yeah... but this is Toni's orders." I nod. "I know. But I don't want to get drunk." They both nod. "Again Toni told us." I roll my eyes. They both nod. "You want to go hang out with Toni?" They both nod. "Ok."


"You both want to be with Ben. Right?" Betty and Veronica nod. "We really should have thought this threw." I say. "Yeah. I just got text from Fangs asking if we could switch." I nod.

I take a shot. "Damn!" I yell. "You know. I never thought you'd get married. In a month you're getting married man." Sweet Pea smiles. "What do you mean?" I ask the alcohol is starting to get to me. "Ever since your mom died. I always thought you were against the whole concept of love." He tells me. "It's different with Ben." I drink my beer. "I need you guys to help me with something." I look at the boys. "He doesn't want to admit it, but he really wants his mom to at the wedding. I already talked to Betty and Veronica about this but they will definitely need your help." They look at each other and nod. "We'll get a move on that." Fangs smiles. "You don't have much time on that." They nod.

"I already told you. I don't want the boys looking like mustard and no Free Bird!" Ben gets frustrated. Everything once in a while I bring up the concept of Sweet Pea and Fangs in yellow. We saw them when we were getting them Tuxedos. We are not having a normal wedding at all. I have Brides men and He has Groom maids. Only because his best friends are Betty and Veronica who are woman. I'm best friends with Sweet Pea and Fangs who are idiots. "I think we should have a memorial for the people who couldn't be there." He says out of no where. "I know it sounds last minute but I've been sitting on it for months now. Just like a candle with flowers and a note." I nod. "Yeah. Or a wall with pictures of them." I suggest. He nods. "We can do that." I sit in front of him. "Free Bird?" He looks at me obviously pissed. "Taking that as a yes?" I joke. "Our first dance isn't going to be Free Bird." He tells me. "Fine!" I smile. "Wonderwall?" He looks at me probably ready to break off the engagement. "Are you gonna name every some people hate?" I nod. Ben sighs. "Here's a list of songs to choose from! Pick one and I decide if its ok." I nod. "I can't believe we're getting married next week." I whisper. He smiles. "I know it's crazy."

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