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It's been a few months. I'm getting surgery tomorrow. "Are you still ok with all of this?" I ask Toni as I stare at the ceiling in our bedroom. "Of course." She raps her arm around my stomach and pulling herself closer. "As long as I can Top. Everything is ok." She smiles. I roll my eyes but kiss her anyways. "Thank you." I whisper. "You're my boyfriend. I loved you since the day we met." She kisses me. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" She ask smiling. "I think so." I smile. "I'll be there the whole time." I nod. "I'm just nervous." Toni moves some hair out of my face. "You need a hair cut." She tells me. "I want to grow it out a bit." She nods. "Ok but if you need one just tell me. I'll be happy to help but you'll need to help with my hair." She whispers. "I promise." I pull her into a kiss. "But back to tomorrow. You're nervous?" She ask. "Of course." She smiles sadly. I take a shaky breath. "It's ok to be nervous. Again I'll be there with you the whole time. Everyone will be there. Well not everyone that's impossible but the important people." I smile. "It's going to be ok! You've needed this for a while. And it's over Spring Break so you won't miss much school!" I nod feeling better. "You're right." She kisses my hand. "It's gonna be worth it."


Ben is starting to finally waking up. "Hey baby." I move hair out of my boyfriends face. He looks around really confused and goes to sit up but I stop him. "If you do that it's gonna hurt." I tell him. "What happened?" He ask all groggy. "You just got out of surgery. Dr. Sean said everything went well." He nods. "Ok. I'm thirsty." He whispers. I grab a cup of water. "Drink slowly." I tell him. Ben drinks some water. "How are you feeling?" Betty ask quietly.  "High." He whispers laughing a little. "Where's Jason?" He ask. I know he's completely out of it so honestly it doesn't surprise me he asked that. "He's not here." I move hair of his face. This strand of hair really doesn't want to stay put. "Is he ok?" Ben ask quietly. "Yeah." I whisper sadly. He tries to sit up. "Woah! Down." I push him back slightly. "I'll stay here. Can you get the doctor and tell everyone he's out?" Betty nods. "Yeah I'll be back in a minute." She walks out. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too baby." Right now only family is allowed to see him. So it's unfortunately just me and Betty. The only reason they allowed me was because well I'm his girlfriend and he insisted. "Get some rest." I whisper. 

"You ok?" I ask Ben. He's been out of it all day. It's been a few hours and the anesthesia has warn off by now. I take his hand. "Yeah." He whispers. I sit on the bed and rap my arm around him. "Seriously. It's just us." I kiss his head. "I really thought Jason would be here." He lies his head on my shoulder. "It's ok." I rub his hair. "I was talking to Betty when you were in surgery." I chuckled a little. "You know how before you came out our ship name was Choni?" He flinches a little. "Yeah." He whispers. "Well Betty made a joke that are ship name is Boni." I can feel him roll his eyes. "That's not weird at all." He jokes.

I walk into Ben's hospital room. He's looking in the mirror still in shock that some of his emotional pain is gone. "You ok?" I ask putting my jacket on the chair. He looks back startled. "For the first time in a while." He smiles. I walks over to his and lightly rap my arms around him. "You look like your brother." I tell him. "Just not as tall." I whisper. "How would you know?" He ask. I panic for a second. "Well I saw him behind the Wyrm a few times." I kinda lie. He looks at me. "I know you're lying." I look down. "I couldn't do anything about it. I tried calling the police but Keller was paid off." I whisper. "I'm sorry." I move hair out of his face. "I don't want to talk about it." He whispers. I take his hand. "Do you need help lying down?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Ok." I help him into bed. He winches in pain as he sits down. "You ok?" I ask concerned. "Yeah. I just need a second." I rub the back of his head. "Ready?" He nods. I help him sit back. "Good?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." He smiles. I kiss the top of his head. "How did you get up?" I ask quietly. "Slowly and painfully." Ben chuckles a little. "Ok. How about you get some rest." I suggest noticing he's fighting sleep. "No. I'm fine." He tells me. "Do you want to watch a movie at least?" He nods. I lie next him and turn whatever movie comes on.

Ben was released from the hospital. He's on pain meds and they make him very loopy. Like he can't tell you his name. "Toni!" He yells. Right now he's staying in nana roses old room until he is really able to walk upstairs without a lot of pain. I walk in and he's asleep. I sit down next to him. I kiss the top of his head and let him sleep. He hasn't been sleeping well. I think he passed out from exhaustion. I haven't been sleeping well either. But me and Betty are taking turns helping him. "Baby." He whispers. I stroke his hair. "Shhh..." I whisper. "Go to sleep." I tell him. "But-." I kiss the top of his head. "Sleep!" I whisper. He nods. "My chest hurts." Ben drones off. I kiss the top of his head. "I know." I stay to make sure he actually sleeps until Betty walks in. "I'll watch him." She whispers. "Get some rest." I go to lie down next to Ben but she stops me. "Where you won't be woken up every 5 minutes. Go upstairs." I nod and go to couch. "Your bedroom." Betty tells me. "I don't want to leave him." I answer. "He'll be fine!" I look down and go upstairs. I lie on the bed and immediately fall asleep.


I pull the blanket over Toni and run back downstairs. I had a feeling she was going to pass out the second her head hit the pillow. I sit next to Ben. I stop him from rolling over. "You're not Toni." He whispers waking up again. This is not how I wanted to spend my spring break of my senior year. At least I'm not being falsely accused of killing Jughead! "She's upstairs." I tell him. "I want her here!" He gets mad. "I know but she's busy and you're stuck with me." I whisper.


I'm getting the drains taken out. "How bad was I?" I ask quietly as we wait for Dr. Sean. Toni and Betty look at each other. "I wasn't in the room you would get mad at Betty for existing." Toni tells me. I look down in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry." I whisper. "It's fine, you were so doped up you couldn't remember your name." Dr. Sean walks in. "So Ben! How are you feeling?" She ask smiling. "My chest hurts. Mostly because the meds are wearing off." I answer honestly. "Ok. Has there been any problems." I look at Toni. "Why are you looking at me? I'm not your body!" She smiles. "Because I can't tell you what I've done all week." I snap back. "You couldn't have taken the snark out of him?" Toni sits back in her chair. "I meant is there were any problems with your body not your relationship." Toni and I smile. "He was fine. Obviously in pain but nothing too bad." Betty answers. Dr. Sean writes that down. "Ok ready to take your bandages off?" My heart drops. "Yeah." I answer nervously. She walks over to me and cuts the drains. I look at Toni as she sits closer and takes my hand. "Everything is going to be ok." She reassures me. I nod nervously. Dr. Sean tells me to stand up. I slowly get up and look in the mirror. She cuts the bandages off I see my chest for the first time. "See? Not that bad!" I ignore Toni. This is exactly what I needed. I look at Toni. "You ok?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile. She kisses my cheek. "Ok. So I want you to rub this disinfectant on your scares. It'll help the scaring and if they get irritating it helps. Obviously you shouldn't scratch just rub around. Next week we'll have a follow up appointment. Now I'm gonna have to check your nipples." She smiles. "This is gonna hurt a little." I nod. She removes the cotton on my nipples. "We made your nipples smaller than before only because you would have looked really weird with large nipples." I nod. "Ok." I smile.

"How do you feel?" Toni ask helping me upstairs. "Really good!" I smile. "I'm glad." She kisses my cheek. I gasp. "I can wear an actual shirt now! I hate flannels. I don't know why you wear them." I tell her. Toni just smiles and helps me into bed. "You sure you're not in any pain? Because there are some pain meds that will make you really loopy!" She jokes. "I'm sure." I sit into the bed more. "Betty was sleeping on my side." I sit up slightly. "It's fine just trying to get some sleep." She fixes my pillows so I'm up right.

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