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No one should have to bury their whole family. Well, technically, there will always be one person in a family but not at this age. Like I knew I was gonna out live my parents, but Kyle. I just assumed I would be the first to go, he might have thought the same. Jason takes my hand but I quickly pull away. "What?" I shake my head. "I'm not out." I whisper. "Sorry, I forgot." He looks down. Jellybean walks over to us. "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't reach out sooner." She whispers. "It's fine." I say quietly. "Do you want to talk?" She ask quietly. "You weren't there for me when I needed a actual family, there isn't anything to talk about." I say slightly pissed off. "You're not the only one dealing with this." She whispers. "You left the second things got rough at home when you were my age." I say quietly. "Ian you're my nephew! You're family. Just let me give you something." She hands me a jacket. "This was Jughead's. He gave it to me to keep safe once your brother was born." She whispers before walking away. I hold it close to myself. I smell it and it still smells like dad. "Ian?" I look at my boyfriend. "I love you." I whisper. He looks at me. "I haven't said it much recently-." He stops me. "I love you too. No matter what." I pull him into a kiss. "I thought you weren't out." I shrug. "Fuck my family." I smile. "Well, don't actually! Please god don't have sex with any of my family."

"You can't have this." Toni takes the jacket. "Toni. I don't think he's going to go join the serpents." Ben whispers. "What is a serpent?" I ask confused. "Point made." Toni hands me the jacket back and walks away. "All I know about is a snakes are called serpents." Ben shakes his head. "Not important. Just be safe." I nod. I walk into Jason's room. "You ok?" He ask quietly. "I just buried my brother." I whisper. He looks down. "Oh! And my father not even 3 years after my mother died." He nods. "I'm taking that as a horrible." I shrug. "I'm actually doing really better than I thought. I met family I never knew I had." I say taking my tie off and unbuttoning my shirt. "That's good." He smiles. I close the door and smile. "Unless you don't want to." He smiles and kisses me. "Take off your pants." I kiss him. I take off my pants.


I walk into the bathroom, I quickly take a piss not that you need to know that. I go to wash my hands and see there isn't anymore soap, I go to grab a new thing of soap and notice a razor. I take a deep breath. I ponder using it, but stop myself. I grab it and go downstairs, I walk into mom's office. I place it on her desk. "That was in the bathroom and I don't want to go back so I'm giving this to you so I don't act like an idiot." I say quietly. "Thank you." She whispers. I start to walk out. "Are you ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She whispers. "You're best friend just died." I whisper. "I bet it fucked you up." I say quietly. "I'm more worried about Ian right now!" She says not making eye contact. "If being in and out of a psych ward has taught me anything it would be the fact that you need to worry about yourself before anyone else." I say turning to her. "You've been drinking. I know it's not a problem for you but it's more than your usual drink without dad knowing. Sweet Pea said you've been spending time at the Wyrm more than normal." I say quietly. "Mom? You're the only one in this household not seeing a therapist." I say before walking out. "Jason."

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