I'm a Dad!

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I'm a dad! Holy shit I'm a dad! "Benjamin." I look up at Toni. "Can I hold my daughter?" I nod nervously. "Here." I smile as I hand Dani to Toni. "I love you." She whispers to our daughter. "Forever." I can tell. "I know you guys picked a first name. Middle?" The nurse ask quietly. Toni looks at me and nods. "Rose." I whisper. "That's nice." She smiles and walks out. "Can I tell everyone I'm a dad?" I ask excitedly. "Let them wait." She whispers. "Hey baby." She smiles. "Please?" I ask. "You're a child. Go. I also need more water!" I run out. I look at everyone. "I'm a dad!" I yell excitedly.

It's been a week and we were able to take Dani home. "This is are hamster. Her name is Kyle." I smile looking at my daughter. She smiles. "Toni I think I'm gonna die!" She walks in. "What?" She ask frustrated. "She's too cute." I pout. "Oh my god." She sighs. "Give her to me." I pull her closer. "No." I kiss Dani. "Ben. Give me my Dani. I need to feed her." I look down. "Five more minutes." She sighs. "Ben if I don't feed her my boobs will explode!" I hand Dani to her. I look down sadly. "Not gonna work." She sits down and whips out her boob. The usual. I sit in front of her. "She looks just like you. When you were a baby." I rub her hair. "Your dad showed me baby pics." Toni groans. I gasp. "My mom! Oh shit I need to call her." I get up and call her. "Mom? Mom! Hi!" I smile as she picks up. "Hey what's up?" She ask. "I completely forgot to tell you, because Toni and I have been drowning in diapers and breast milk." She squeals. "You had her?" I nod. "Yeah!" I smile. "Ask her to come over and help!" Toni whispers to me. "Ok. Toni is tell me we need your help here." I tell my mom. "Of course!"  Toni smiles. "Tell her not to stay!" She mouths. I nod. "Ahh. We just need you here for a few hours. I know that sounds bad. But honestly Toni is angry when she's sleep deprived and she's silently yelling at me and I don't want to die." I say. "It's ok I'll be there is a hour." I sigh in relief. "Thank you." I smile and hang up. I walk back. "I'm not sleep deprived." I nod. "Yes you are go take a nap." I whisper. "You just want to hold Dani." I smile. "You need to sleep!" I take Dani. "Ok." She goes upstairs. I walk into the living room admiring my daughters beauty. "You're the greatest thing to happen to me." I whisper. "I don't know what I was doing without you. You're amazing, hopefully you're sweet like your mom. Don't be a little version of me. You're sooooo beautiful. I promise to protect you baby! No one will hurt you. Not under my watch." I rock her to sleep. The door bell rings and she starts crying. "Damnit!" I Calm her down and get the door. "Mom!" I smile. "Ben. Let me see her!" I smile showing my mom. "She's so pretty!" She whispers. "She looks just like you."

"Why did it get bigger?" Toni ask looking and my downstairs area. "Really?" I ask quietly. "But why?" She looks up. "Because the testosterone Toni! I also use a pump to make it bigger!" She smiles. "If you say it's cute I'm filling for divorce!" I insist. "Fine! It's hot!" She smiles standing up. She kisses me. "And cute." I groan. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't be insecure about it." She tells me. "Have you thought about..?" I nod. "I don't want to go through that. It would be nice but it's really expensive, and it's not that accurate." I rub the back of my neck. "It's ok. We just haven't talked about it. I was just wondering." She steps closer me. "Cher-." I stop her. "Sorry." I take a deep breath. "I'm so sorry." She whispers. "Really!" I look at her. "It's fine." I pull my underwear up and sit in the counter. "Can you just help me with my testosterone? We've been doing this for 6 years, kinda like you calling me Ben." She looks down. "I'm sorry." I kiss her. "Just shut up." I whisper. She helps me take a shot of testosterone. "Ow!" I whisper. "It's ok." She whispers. Dani starts crying. Toni runs out. I get a bandaid and walk out. "Hey. Pretty girl."

"Say daddy!" I smile. "She's not even a month old." Mom tells me. "I know but she's going to a smart kid!" I look at her. "Don't do what I did! I pressured you to be like Jason, I never got to know my daughter because of that." She tells me. "You never truly had a daughter." She nods. "I know. But the person that you were!" She tells me. "But now I get to know the real you and you're an amazing young man." I smile. "What?" She ask laughing a little. "You called me a young man." I bite my lip. "I think the only person that had said that to me was Toni. Only because I made her." She laughs a little. "Honestly. You will always be my little girl. But I do except you. You're my son. No matter what." She tells me. "I haven't told you this and honestly I'm more nervous about telling Toni." I laugh a little. "I love you mom." She smiles. "I love you too baby." I kisses my cheek. Dani starts crying. "Oh no!" I pick her up. "It's ok." I pat her back lightly. "I'm here." Toni comes downstairs. "I need to feed her." She whispers. I nod. "I should get going." Mom kisses my cheek and leaves. "What?" I ask quietly. "I don't know how I feel about her in our life. It's stupid." She shakes her head. "No. It's ok. I still am not sure either." I confess. "I'm sorry about last night. I just hadn't heard that name directed at me, from you, in almost 5 years. It's not your fault. I remember talking about how you would do that." I smile. "Also your mom's right. She's not even a month old she's not going to call you dad. Not yet at least." She grins. I take a deep breath. "How are we going to tell her? I can't have her growing up not knowing the truth." She tells me. "Well, I know when my friend from elementary school was talking about when she was born. Her parents told her how they adopted her. I think we should do that but tell her how Sweet Pea helped create her. Because well I couldn't. But I want her know that no matter what, that I am her father." I tell Toni sitting on the counter. "You are." She whispers. "Like actually." She smiles. "Last minute. I had them genetically put your egg with Sweet Pea's sperm. It took a lot of convincing and almost a trip to jail." I laugh a little. "You are her father." I smile.

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