Homecoming Fail

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Kyle walks into the Blue and Gold. He sits down with a huff. "Good morning." I whisper. "Thank you." He whispers. I look at him. "You talked to my dad about my mental health and I'm now seeing a therapist. We both are actually." He whispers. "I thought you might be mad." He shrugs. "A little bit. But I need it." He smiles. "He diagnosed me with anxiety." He tells me. "Apparently, I'm to active to have depression. But I've never really talked about my mom so it's a lot of weight on my shoulders. It's mostly just grieving is the source of the decline of my mental health." He says while opening his bag and placing his computer on the desk. "Anything else?" I ask quietly. "Not really." He whispers. "Just make sure you're ok." He nods. "I will." He smiles. I look at him. "I'm not saying it." He says quietly. "Please?!" He shakes his head. "Maybe later." He winks. "How's Jason?" He ask going into his computer. "Ahh. He's good! He's still getting used to everything and he's not back to normal but I don't think he will be back to himself for a while." I explain. "I'm sorry about that." I shrug. "I just need to keep an eye on him." I say quietly. Ian walks in. "Hey." I smile. "Is everything ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! I was just wondering if you knew if Jason was planning on going to homecoming?" He ask nervously. "Probably not. It's to many people. But he might it wouldn't hurt to ask." I say quietly. "Cool." He runs out. "Jason!" I smile and look at Kyle. "Shit!" He looks at me. "Homecoming is this week and I didn't even think about asking you." I grin. "It's ok! Do you want to go in the first place?" I ask. He shrugs. "Maybe. Definitely not the football game." I kiss him.


I thrust faster. "Shit!" Toni scratches my back. "Ow!" I kiss her neck. "Faster." I pick up the speed. "Fuck! I'm gonna-." I cum. "Oh!" I lie next to her. I look to make sure my dick is still there. "Really?" She smiles. "Yeah, I still worry it won't be there." I smile. "It's been 10 years." I kiss her.

I fix Jason's tie. "You ok?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Yeah." I look at him. "Something is bothering you. Tell me." I whisper. "Ian and I haven't really has a conversation about our relationship." He says. "Like I think he's my boyfriend. But I could be wrong." I smile. "Oh Jason." I shake my head. "Maybe you should ask him. Because I don't think either of you know." I fix his hair. "I will." He looks in the mirror. "Jason! Come on we're gonna be late!" Dani yells. "I thought I was the one who was supposed to hold everyone back!" She walks into the bathroom. "Yeah. But I'm gay and it trumps everything." Jason smiles. "Whatever." They both walk out.


"You ok?" Ian ask quietly as we slow dance. "Yeah actually." I smile. "Are you? I know this is your first time doing anything like this out." I ask him. "I pretty open about my sexuality now. Like I don't scream it from the top of my lungs ass all day but if someone ask me I'm not gonna deny it." I smile. "Do you want to get out of this place?" He ask moving his hand down my body. I take his hand and drag him to the bathroom. I pull him into a kiss. We go into one the the stall and rip off my pants. "Wait what if someone hears?" I ask. He grabs my dick. "Than we have to be quiet." He takes off his pants. "I know we don't really need it but do you have a condom?" He ask quietly. I nod. I pull a condom out. I slide it on and slowly thrust into him.

I stand up and zip Ian's pants. "We should do this more often." I joke. "You ok?" He ask quietly. "Yeah." I nod. He smiles and kisses me. "I-." He stops himself and kisses me again. He walks out. I take a deep breath and sit on the toilet. After a while I get up and leave. I just wondered. I know exactly what he was gonna say. But for some fucking reason he can't!

My eyes slowly open and see mom looking at me. "Mom?" I sit up. "Why am I in the hospital?" I ask quietly. "You were found at Sweetwater completely spaced out." She explains. "What day is it?" I ask quietly. "Sunday. You've been here since Friday." I take a deep breath. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "I don't want to talk about it." I whisper. "It's not an option." I bite my lip. "Ian and I were in the bathroom and he was gonna say that he you know." She nods. "Yeah." She smiles. "I just had a moment and I blanked out." I whisper. "Mom?" I look at her. "You don't have to go back to the psych ward." I smile. "But they do want to keep you here for a couple days." I nod. "It's ok." I whisper. She kisses the top of my head.

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