Thank You

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"I want a beer." I walk up to the bar and slap a few bucks on the counter. "Toni told me otherwise!" Sweet Pea cleans a glass. "Please?" I beg. "I can't. I'm sorry man." I look at him. "Just once." I whisper. "Nope!" He smiles. "Go home." He looks at me. "I'm bringing in money!" I insist. "Nope." He looks at me. "I want a beer." I insist. "Ben. We have a personal relationship and I know you're problems. If you're going to fall off the wagon go somewhere that will actually serve you." I look down. "Just one." I beg. "Toni can't know and after this beer it's soda or water!" I nod and sit down. He hands me the beer. "Just this one." I nod.

I walk onto the house. "You were out drinking." Toni stops me. "I just had one!" I insist. "I really did." I tell her. "I know but still, I don't want you to black out or something." I nod. "I know. I just needed one." I whisper. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "I was thinking about going back to college. I since I never properly graduated." She smiles. There's a knock on the door. Toni opens it and 2 police officers are standing there, one being Jughead. "Is the residence of Benjamin Blossom?" Toni nods. "Yes, what is the problem?" I ask. "You're under arrest for possession of illegal drugs." Jughead handcuffs me. "You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you. You have the right to an attorney, if you can not afford one you will be giving one by the court of law."


He looks back at me. He knows I had too report him. "I fucking hate you!" He yells before being driven away. "Where's daddy going?" Dani ask. I close the door. "He needs some time to himself." I tell them. "He always needs time to himself." Jason whispers. "I know. We've talked about this." I kneel down in front of them. Dani hugs me. "I know this hard. We'll be ok. I promise."

"Toni." Ben looks at me. "I saw you going down a very dangerous road. I can't watch you do this again." He nods. "I love you." He whispers. "I didn't mean to yell at you and say that I fucking hate you." I nod. "I love you too baby." I whisper. "I did this to help you." He nods. "I know." He whispers. "I wasn't using though." He tells me. "You went drinking." I remind him. "Sweet Pea told you?" I look at him. "He let you drink?!" I yell at him. "How did you find out?" He ask quietly. "Your breath." I tell him. "Oh." He sits down on his bed. "Do you think I'm going to jail?" He ask quietly. "No! I bailed you out! You're free of charge." He nods. "You're welcome!"

My Promise To YouWhere stories live. Discover now