Anger Management

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"Ben!" I shake him. He's not taking the medication well. He looks at me. He shakes his head. "You ok?" He shakes his head again. "Everything is fuzzy." He whispers. "I feel like death." He tells me. "Is it worse than a hangover?" He shrugs. "The same." He looks at me. "Tomorrow, we have Veronica's party." He nods.

We walk down to the speakeasy. A waitress walks over to me. "Free drink?" She ask me. "I-I don't drink." I tell her. She smiles and walks away. "What was that about?" I look at Toni. "I think she was trying to hit on me." I cringe. She pulls me into a kiss. "Not my type." I whisper. "Really? She's a younger version of me." I smile. "Yeah but I meant that only you are my type." She kisses me again. "I have to go to the bathroom." I go upstairs and try to calm down. I sit down at the counter. "Ben." I look up. "The party is downstairs." Betty tells me. "I-I know. I just need a break." I whisper. "What's going on with you? I haven't heard from you in a week." She ask quietly. "I'm adapting to my medication." I tell her. "I thought you already were? Did they change your meds or something?" I look down. "I have a knew medication and all my other meds are still evening out." She turns around, says something to the cook and turns back to me. "So you're on new meds?" I nod. "For what?" I look up. "If you don't want to say it fine." I nod. "Not right now." I whisper. "Do you have a cigarette?" I ask looking up. She looks at me. "Since when do you smoke?" I shrug. "You're right." I smile. "Blunt?" She ask quietly. "I'm already stoned." I smile. "When aren't you?" We both laugh quietly. Toni comes up. "Hey." She sits next to me. "You've been in the bathroom for a while." She smiles. "To many people down there." I whisper. "This place still gives me a lot of anxiety." She nods. "Do you want to go home?" She ask quietly. "Because we can." She adds. "No, I'll be down. I just need some time." I whisper. She kisses me. "Come down when you're ready." She smiles.

"You're high." Toni whispers. "Ben." She cups my cheeks. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "I need to get off these fucking drugs." She looks at me. "Yeah you need to stop smoking weed." I shake my head. "No! The fucking bipolar shit! The depression! The anxiety! I'm so done." I whisper. "Ben are you hearing yourself right now?" She ask quietly. "Mom! Dad!" Dani runs in. "What?" Toni ask quietly. "Jason broke his arm." We both sigh. "Again?! This is like the second time this year! He just got out of the last one!" Toni walks out.

"What did you do?" I ask Jason sitting down in the chair next to him. "Ian and I were hanging out and I was coming home and I tripped. I'm not drunk or anything it was just dark." I smile. "Who's Ian?" I ask quietly. He looks down. "Oh god!" I smile. "You asked." I nod. "You need to stop breaking bones! Specifically your arm." He nods. "Yeah. I'm sorry." He whispers. "Just be careful." He nods. "I'll try." He smiles. "No! You will!" I look at him. "You ok?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Yeah." Toni walks in. "I signed you out. Come on." We both get up and go home. Once we get Jason settled in I go to Dani's room. "How did you know he broke his arm?" I ask quietly. "I'm at the stop of his emergency contact list also you and mom were out." I nod. "The fact he called you before me or Toni." She shrugs. "Both of your phones were dead." I nod. "Yeah. Get some sleep." I whisper. "I will." I walk out and to the bedroom. "She ok?" Toni ask quietly. "I think so." I unbutton my shirt and throw it in the corner. "Really?!" Toni picks it up and puts it in the laundry. "Sorry." I get changed. Well I take my pants off and do the same with I did with my shirt and get the same annoyed look from Toni. "It's cold." I whisper. "Well if you wore more than your underwear to bed you wouldn't be saying that." She smiles. "Not true." I whisper. "How are you feeling? You kinda had a mental break down earlier and now you're fine." She ask quietly. "Better. I think I just needed to go on a rampage and blow off some steam." I play with her hand. "How's you're head?" She ask quietly. "Not as fuzzy. I feel like I can start to function in society again. I think getting out helped." She smiles. She pulls me into a kiss.

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