1. Teen Boss

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The sun shone on my face making me uncomfortable, I brought the car to a halt and re applied lip gloss to my now dry lips. The harmattan was so intense this time around, breathing was a fight , there was so much dust in the air and skins are dry no matter the lotion applied on it.

Looking into the mirror in my purse, I applied more lip gloss to my hurting lips and heard cars horning behind me, I saw the traffic light was now green. Sighing, I can't wait to to get home to treat my self to a warm bath just because it's harmattan and a mug of warm creamy tea. I'm exhausted after working hard today, I manage my family's furniture company for the time being and today was so hectic from making a presentation to our latest clients to walking four hours nonstop in my stiletto heels,supervising the work carpenters were doing to ensure its accuracy and sitting in a two hour meeting with a client we've been eyeing for a year now.

I pressed my feet on the accelerator speeding off when I met the tarred road that runs through the entire estate we lived in. I don't really care if the air was foggy and may cause an accident, as selfish as I sound, I really need to get home, bath and relax.

My phone rang, playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran I don't know but that song really gets me emotional, looking at the caller ID it was my best friend Vanessa calling . I didn't pick up, the speed at which I was driving and making a call is only a recipe for disaster so I left it to ring, singing along as it rang again and eventually stopped.

I slowed down when I got to our automated security gate and pressed the remote, driving slowly and pressed another remote for our automatic garage door. I parked the car and literally flew out,removing my heels and sitting down at the dining hall where my mum sat eating, looking at the time it was 7:30 in the evening, that's so unlike her.

"Why are you eating this late mum?" I asked taking a piece of chicken from her salad.
"I went to meet Uncle Richard and didn't realize time had flown by when I decided to come home" she replied, smacking my hand from taking another piece and said "Don't infest my food with germs, go and wash your hands young lady."

"Okay" I said putting my hands up and headed towards the kitchen sink, Aunty Martha our house help was at the stove preparing oat I guess which was for my mum .

"How was your day?" My mum asked when I got back to the hall pushing her plate of salad towards me which I dived into eagerly, waiting till I had swallowed before answering, "It was hectic but worth it, I finally sealed the deal with Oakland Hotel after the presentation and had a meeting with Mr Fabian Blay."

"The CEO of Castelo Breweries?"
"The very same we've been eyeing for a year"
"And how did it go?
"It was great, he agreed to us furnishing their club house in East Legon and if it goes well furnish the others in the other parts of the country and South Africa"

"That's impressive my dear!" My dad joined the conversation,patting my shoulders and looking at me with admiration. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head and smiled, well I think I have something to say.

"Thank you dad and mum, you guys have truly brought this version of me I never knew."

"No need to thank us we're your parents and we want the best for you, we know you don't want to manage the company but we truly appreciate you taking interest in it and managing it" my dad told me with his arm around my mum who took the bowl of oat from Aunty Martha and thanked her.

"Aunty Martha can we get two spoons please?" my dad asked her. I was now finished with the salad and went to the kitchen washing the plate. "I'm heading to my room mum", "Im so tired."

"Sorry dear, call me if you need a massage to help you relax."

"Okay" I took the stairs one at a time, calling back Vanessa who picked at the first ring.

"Heyy Ella, you know I called you right?" Her loud voice said over the phone .

"Yeah and you know I saw it that's why I'm calling back right?", "I was driving that's why I didn't pick up, what's up ?" I asked Nessa and opened the door to my room.

"I'm fine here, was calling to check up you."

"Nessa we all know you don't call to check up one me so what do you want?" I asked her laughing.

"Okay let's just say, I need you to drive me to my school tomorrow."

"Why what happened to your car?"

"Ransford crashed it this morning" she said sadly, her car was her baby she cared so much for. I'm surprised she even gave it to her brother.

"What about your mum?"

"She's going to Cape Coast tomorrow b, I need to go to the university tomorrow."

"Alright, what time ?" I asked her to see if I will be able to.

"Like 9 in the morning."

"9" I repeated almost to myself, checking my schedule, I only have to supervise the final work tomorrow so we can deliver in the afternoon and send samples to Mr Fabian.

"Okay I will but not wait till you're done with whatever you're going to do there."

"Fine" she said whining.

"Baby girl, I'm not your mother go whine on her, Goodnight" I told her laughing and hanged up.

The harmattan air sent chills through my body the moment I got in the shower, turning on the water heater, I wore my shower cap and poured my favourite Dove pear and aloe Vera bathing gel on my sponge and began scrubbing my body,but not for long. I rinsed myself and took my tooth brush brushing in less than two minutes.

I wore my Zebra pajamas and got under the duvet, I wasn't really sleepy so I scrolled through my Instagram and Twitter feed, replied to WhatsApp text messages and watched YouTube videos on nail fixing, my obsession.

Hey people , here's the first chapter. What do you think about it ? 🤗
You can please send in your suggestions 😩🙏🏼 , I'll very much appreciate it❤️

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