15. Mistletoe kiss🤤

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I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight"
Perfect by Ed Sheeran❤️

Andre's POV

I run my fingers through my hair repeatedly the very thing Ann said I should stop doing. I shouldn't chicken out. I have to tell her the truth. "I love you damn it!" I rose my voice of out frustration.

Ann froze in her steps and blinked twice shrieking, "what!"

I walked closer to her and took her hand in mine, "I love you Ann, very much. I've realized I can't keep fighting this feeling anymore. I need to liberate myself, give myself a chance to love again, take that risk of loving you even if I lose I know I lost to the most beautiful and sweetest thing and person alive , your love and you."

She loosened her hand out of my hold , going back to the table, "why  should I believe you ? You told me you can't love a week ago and you tell me now you love me, do you expect me to believe you out of the blue?"

"I know I said that Ann but believe me I mean what I'm saying right now , I love you so much. I talked to my mother about how I felt and after talking to her I knew and concluded I can't fight this anymore , I'm hurting myself and you , been wishing in my head you never meet anyone to take you away from me while I can't love. Wishes are powerful just like words and it's about time I man up and confess what I feel for you and that's what I'm doing now, I don't mind if you don't love me back , I'll accept and about the kiss , I loved it."

I didn't realize she was crying till she wiped her eyes , "when did you realize you do ?"

When did I realize I do? "Thanksgiving dinner party. I couldn't get enough of you just by being in your presence , your face haunted me that morning at the coffee shop till that party. It heightened the night I kissed you and it's been massive since, I was a coward then but now I'm standing up for my love."

She drew nearer to me crying, "I love you too Drey, I do so much I couldn't tell you cause I was afraid you'll reject me like you said the kiss was a mistake."

I cupped her cheeks , wiping her tears with my fingers, "babe, I'm sorry it wasn't a mistake , my feeling were heightened then and I didn't know what to do after I kissed you , I fled away because I was a coward , I was ashamed my kiss had messed up our friendship."

"So what now?"

What now ? Oh yeah ask her to be your girlfriend!. She said she loves me too , but is she ready to be labeled as my girlfriend? There's only one way to find out .

I slowly got on one knee and took her hand in mine, "Anniella Naana Morrison , will you be my girlfriend?"

She took her hand away from mine and turned her back to me. You've just been rejected , congratulations on standing up for your love!

I was hurt still on one knee looking at her body slowly turning towards me smiling and she shouted, "yes Drey! I will!"

Have I ever been relieved in my life before like I am now? Obviously no. I cupped her cheeks and did what I did that night , we shared saliva for the second time , this time it was different we both were giving in.

We parted breathing heavily, I carried her bridal style and went back to the shore with her . We run into the sea, smiling and splashing water on each other .

Today I found the love I had been running away from. I stared at her happy face , smiling being carefree , splashing water on me and I'm glad more than ever I made the right choice, Anniella.

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