41. Venus of our time

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Anniella's POV

"Can I open my eyes now boo?" Once again Drey told me we ain't going back home, we're moving to our next destination. Honestly I don't know if Drey wants us to travel around the world this summer, it was Italy after Bali and now this, where next? I love it though, I'm getting to experience new cultures and environments.

"Mmh yeah." I opened my eyes, looking at the beautiful city right in front of me. The cool and fishy sea breeze indicates it's a coastal city. I don't know where we are, Drey was tight lipped about it too and is surprising me.

"Where are we?" Just tell me already and let's go exploring boo!

"My hometown, Marseille." Drey said proudly, his eyes shining and his lips tugging into the most cutest smile that's so heartwarming.

"Seriously?" I'm not a football fanatic but I at least know about Olympique Marseille, the football club Abedi Pele of my country was associated with and his son now is. So this is where my Dre grew up?

"Yeah, I'm going to give you the tour around here myself. I know every hook and corner here."

"I don't doubt." I'm so ready for a tour around here, to taste particularly the food. I never knew I had this big appetite till I started my summer vacations. I can literally eat anything I'm given from Mie Goreng to lasagna, aracini and cannoli. I can't wait to taste Marseille cuisines and relish in them like I did the others. "How long are we going to stay here?"

"We have a month more till Summer is over, so we're going to be here for two weeks."

Two weeks to familiarize myself with this new environment, learn about their history and ofc food! What about the other two? "And the other two?"

"You'll know when we get there. For now let's go ma jolie fille brune." He winked at me, blowing me a kiss.

"Lead me on boo." I took his hands, ready to embark on this tour. I can hear croissant, beef bourguignon and coq au vin calling out to me already as I sniffed the air.

"Are you pregnant Ann?" Drey asked out of the blue. He stared at my face closely, his brow was cocked, waiting for me to answer.

"No I'm not, why are you asking that kinda question?" How can I be pregnant when Drey and I haven't done the deed? He can't be serious.

"Your appetite level has increased more than I can fathom. It's always food, I'm sure I'm never on your mind anymore."

Should I laugh or should I not? I chose the former, laughing hard at Drey. Like I said before, he can't be serious. I know I've grown to love food these past weeks but Drey is Drey and food is food, it only satiates my hunger but doesn't give me the joy, love and affection I get from Drey. I love food but I don't think about it more than I do of him, geez. "No babe, you're still and will always be my baby, food doesn't do me like you do, take a chill pill and gimme a kiss." I pouted, leaning in to him. That's going to put him at ease and stop this freaky thoughts and questions of his. It was jealousy then, now food. I'm wondering what it will be next.

Is it just be or is it Drey. His saliva sharing moments during this summer has gotten rougher yet addicting. It takes everything in me to break apart, "I can die for this French kiss."

"Enjoyed it huh?" I nodded my head, blushing furiously. Drey noticed and caressed my cheeks in amusement. "You're unpredictable babe, bold one minute, blushing and shy the next. How do you switch?"

"With a boo like you, I can turn into my impossible imaginations." I've become somebody else around Drey. Should I say bold and daring? Yeah I can. I've began doing things I thought I'll never do, feelings and emotions I never dreamt of having. It's all good at least these new things don't cause me to be my worst.

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