19.Where's our final place after here?

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Andre's POV

Some pains are difficult to forget, especially when inflicted on you by your own blood. I thought I was over the anger but no, the very thought of him sends my blood boiling.
I was consumed by anger until Ann sat on my lap and rubbed my back, resting my head on her bosom.

Wtf! "I love the view I'm having from here you know the tee is transparent right?" Right in front of my eyes are the two melons of Ann, I have to distract myself lest I get excited.

Ann lifted my head from and pinched my hand, I saw her blushing like crazy, "perv!"

You just don't know what you do to me. I pulled her closer to my body , laughing. I inched her head to give me better access of her neck, I trailed hot air behind her ear, ready to suck and discover her sensitive spot, down to her jawline and neck.

The intercom buzzed. Who the hell is that! I'm going to sack whoever is at the door! Ann got off my lap. I pressed the release door button, the person with the bad timing came into the room, it was one of those waiters I trust enough to enter my Penthouse. "Next time come at an appropriate time!" I barked at him, furious at him for interrupting me from tasting Ann's cocoa skin, something I've been wanting to do for a long time.

The waiter cowered in fear, "I'm s-or-ry Sir, I-m very sorry." I took the plate of food from him  and waved my hand dismissing him.

"Wait" I patted his shoulder, guilt was eating into me for barking at him when he was only doing his job, "next time I order food please bring it within five minutes."

"Okay sir."

I nodded at him, steering my attention to the couch. It was empty, no sign of Ann, "Babe?" I called out to her, there was no answer.

I slapped myself, what if I scared her doing what I did? Idiot Drey, control yourself. It's a baby step after baby step! I heard footsteps from the stairs, looking at it , I saw a shy Ann descending clutching her phone.

Her eyes looked beyond me though her gaze was in my direction. She sat beside me, giving a reasonable space in between us.

I didn't bridge the space between us, I've scared her off enough , "where were you love?"

"I was upstairs taking to my parents."

"Okay, Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah go ahead I'm all ears."

"Uhm how do I say this, did I scare you away uhm with what I was doing before the intercom buzzed?"

"No why?"

Phew. "I thought so and you're giving a reasonable space between us, look I'm sorry Ann, I know I'm moving faster than you want. It's just-I - uh can't get enough of you , I want more anytime I'm with you. I'm sorry love, I know it makes you unc—"

"Shh Drey" she placed her index finger on my lips smiling at me reassuringly, "I'm okay boo, you're a man yes I know, you'd want to do stuffs with your girlfriend yeah but Drey, I'm only scared you'll go overboard, I want to keep my virginity for my wedding night, I can't engage in pre marital affairs and with the rate at which things are going, that will be happening before I'm conscious of it."

"I'm sorry Ann, I'll tone down, I know you're religious and want to uphold your virtues. I'm proud of you for determining to do that when ladies like you out there throw them to the wind, I respect whatever decision you make."

"Thank you Drey, I love you." She kissed me this time on my lips and not those quick pecks she gives me, "I know it's gonna be hard, thank you boo."

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