13.Red Christmas😩

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"Ouch!" I cried out falling back into bed. I had woken up to pee and had cramps.What a terrible day of the year for this thing to come. I sighed and slept on my stomach. I jolted up from bed, realization hitting me, I've stained my lavender colored sheets and duvet.

"Oh no!" I hate it when I stain my sheets on my period, been having pre menstrual cramps for a couple of days  now and didn't know it will come today of all days. I don't worry myself tracking it, it follows an irregular pattern that got me staining myself in previous years.

I painfully got off the bed and removed the sheets and everything from it and took hurting steps out of my room to the utility room.

I stuffed them straight into the washing machine, poured washing detergent on them and chose the right temperature and spin cycle. It started swooshing and clicking when I pressed on go!

I returned back to my room and took a shower, scrubbing my body extra well to prevent me from having a smell of metal. I finished showering and brushed my teeth before going back to the room.

Settling on black sweatpants and oversized hoodie, I took new sheets and blankets and laid my bed. I covered myself with a duvet giving winter air no chance of sending chills through my body.

I looked at the time on my watch , it's only 5am in the morning. I don't care, I'm going back to sleep. Such a shame I won't get to celebrate this Christmas happily without whimpering or worst in bed.

My mind wandered for a long time before I finally drifted off to sleep.

I felt the duvet ripped off me and a pair of hands shaking me to wake up. I opened my eyes to take a look at the person who not only spoilt my sleep but caused the cramps to come back because I have woken up.

It was no other person than El , sitting beside me with a huge grin plastered on her face wearing a Christmas tree onesie. "Wakey wakey, snow and Christmas."

Despite the cramps , I chuckled and sat up wincing. She's made her own version of wakey wakey , eggs and bakery, "Merry Christmas to you El!"

She examined my face with concern , "are you sick Ann?" She touched my forehead and neck to check my temperature, "you're hot."

"It's cold El."

"I know it's cold , you're just mostly affected by cold temperature unless you're sick."

"I'm on my thing , it came this dawn."I fell back in bed.

She gave my hand a gentle squeeze, "awwn sorry."

"Don't worry, it's a red Christmas for me."

"You won't be lively, you can't run down the stairs with me to open our presents and you'll have to bed in bed all day." She pouted. When El and I celebrate Christmas together back home in Ghana, her parents come over to ours on the Eve and sleep so El and I can run down our stairs to the Christmas tree and open our presents . It has kinda become a tradition and we were hoping for that too. It's shame Mother Nature decided to visit today.

"It'll be over by tomorrow, we can go wherever you want." I tried to convince her.

"I know but today's Christmas , it's the fun part!"

"Tomorrow's Boxing Day, it's gonna be fun too though it can't beat Christmas."

"And you have that dinner with Andre on Friday right ?"

"Yeah." I had almost forgotten about it. My phone buzzed, obviously with a message and not a notification. I looked at the screen, it was from Drey.

"You can't go with these pains , you'll be wincing through out."

"The pains will go by tomorrow evening, it always does."

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