27. To hell with you.

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Anniella's POV

"I'll see you tomorrow." I bid Izzy goodbye and hurriedly got into the Uber I have ordered. Feeling safe in the car, I looked out of the window into the street. There's the black tinted car parked at its usual spot these two weeks.
I always feel the driver of the car is spying on me and that makes me uneasy, I shudder in fear of my life being in danger.

What have I done to be followed? I'm not beefing with anyone neither have I gotten myself into a crime syndicate. I'm a normal teen who's finally gotten over her broken heart.

These two weeks have helped me very much in forgetting what Drey did to me. I won't say it's been easy, there are days I stared at pictures of us and asked myself what went wrong. What did I do wrong for Drey to do that to me.

He has been calling me with an unknown number for a week now. I didn't know it was him so I picked up the first time he called. I instantly recognized his voice when he spoke up pleading with me not to hang up after staying silent on the line and listen to me ask who's this.

I've blocked that number and his original number as well. I don't want to have anything to do with him, the promise ring he gave me is comfortably sitting in my drawer right now. It's the only thing of him that I can't seem to throw away or forget.

The thought of getting rid of it hurts me to the core so I decided to keep it. It gives me bitter memories but I don't mind. In life there has to be bitter things to remind you this world ain't fair.

My family here and back home too have been supportive these weeks and Drey's parents, most especially his mother. It was hard for me to be around them but as the days went by, I relaxed around her. She's helped me a lot though most at times, she tries to tell me to hear Drey out and that I should reconsider my decision because both Drey and I are both hurting.

I'm hurting, I don't know about him. I recently saw a picture of him on the gram, his once beautiful eyes are now full of sadness as he strolled at Central Park. I don't know if the sadness in his eyes were sincere or just for show.

The driver parked in front of the gate, "We're here miss."
His voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I paid him the fare and got out of the car. My ringtone went off. The number calling is an unknown one.

I have a feeling it's Drey. I hesitantly pick up, "Baby please listen to me, even if for a minute." He pleaded on the phone.

I know right, it's that  cheat. "There's nothing left for me to listen to, bye Drey."

"I love you Ann, please." His words stopped me from hanging up. I miss hearing those three magical words from him, they make my heart leap anytime he said it and even now but they're meaningless to me as at now.

"I don't love you Drey, I've forgotten there was something between us just like you told me to."

"What do you mean?" Drey asked surprised.

"No need to pretend, you've already shown me who you are. Listen and listen real good Drey don't you dare call me again or I'll report you to the police and we know you don't want a case with the law." I hanged up on him.

Drey is a very good actor. He was feigning surprise when I told him what he said I should do. I'm not surprised, he has done the worst already.

"Hey Carmen." I greeted her, I had no idea she was at home. She and her male friend from church are getting pretty serious. They've stared going on dates so I expected her to be out.

She pecked my cheeks, "Hello darling, how was your day?"

"It was great, I'll be done with my exams on Friday." I want to get it done and over with. I'm going the extra mile in my studies just for the exams  and that's costing me nights of a good sleep.

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