26.No way am I giving up on her

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Andre's POV

I run my fingers through my hair. I'm beyond frustrated and enraged. "Can't you go any faster!" I barked at the chauffeur who was taking me to the airport, though there's much left to be done here, I'm taking a break see Ann and to sort out somethings at the office.

I'm not able to reach Ann and my calls to El are also going straight to voicemail. I'm very sure it's because of that garbage circulating on social media.

It's total rubbish. How can I cheat on my Ann. How can I cheat on the only girl who lights my world with her simplest actions. The girl I'm dreaming to take to the altar and spend the rest of my life with.

As for that scum paparazzi who took the photos and spread those lies, he should go hide in a hell hole. I'm going to make sure he suffers the consequences of his stupid actions. The desire to please his boss and maintain his job is shattering the beautiful relationship I have with El.

I don't even know where my phone possibly fell. I lost it on the day I went to Eiffel Tower with Adaline. I need to replace it, I had been so busy I forgot to buy a new one. My parents complained to Pierre anytime they couldn't get through me. They haven't asked about the news, it's either they're waiting for me to get back home to confront me or they've heard it and chosen not to talk about it.

I'm wondering what my baby is going through right now. I'm hoping beyond all hopes she hasn't allowed the garbage to get into her. I saw the post and read some of the comments from Pierre's phone. I don't really care much about they tainting my name, they've done so much of it in the past but dragging Ann into it and trying to destroy our relationship is something I'm not going to turn a blind eye to.

The media company that lousy paparazzi works for is going to face my wrath. I'm going to sue them, no one messes with love of Andre Archambeau's life. No one!

I slammed the door of the car, running to the private jet and entering into it. "Tell Esteban to get me to New Jersey as soon as he can!" I barked the order to the frightened air hostess, she scurried away.

I loosened my tie and paced up and down the bedroom of the jet. I wish I had wings so I can fly to Montclair and be with Ann. I miss her so much and I need to clear the air surrounding the pictures and post. It's no where near what those idiots are displaying out there.

I've not been able to sleep much knowing this is costing my relationship with Ann. A knock sounded on the door, "what do you want!?"

"Sir I want to know if you would like to eat or drink anything." Samantha the air hostess mumbled from the other side of the door.

"Keep your food and drinks to yourself and leave me alone!" I sighed, I'm being a mean boss today. Venting out my anger and frustration on these people who have no idea and did not cause it.

I looked out of the window trying to busy myself with the clouds. They aren't nice enough to steal my attention and get me out of this mood. I went to the living room of the jet and sat down to work. After about an hour of pretending to work, I gave up. I wasn't working much my mind was on Ann and the almost all of the papers in front of me have her name doodled out on them with hearts around them.

She's gotten me to fall so deeply in love with her each passing day. I swear on my late Grandma if those idiots have ruined my relationship. Oh God they're so going to pay, a still voice in my mind keeps telling me I've lost her. I refuse to believe that. I can't lose Ann! No!!

I wish this damn 7 hours flight is over so I can explain things to Ann, cuddle with her and get some sleep before going to the office the next day. I can't even take a day off, we're planning to extend our territories this year, there's no time to be lazying around, taking a day off or even a vacation.

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