22.There's no one as flawless as you babe

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I walked straight ahead in a big  hallway not knowing where I was going or anywhere around the house. There were people around socializing, the air thick with different scents of perfume and colognes.

I found a door slightly opened and went through it, it led to a huge balcony decorated with mistletoes and fairy lights. There are sectional furniture at the corners over looking the estate, giving people an excellent view of the city at night.

I rested on the railings and looked up at the evening sky, stars beginning to adorn the sky, shinning and giving off warmth to this cold and dark evening.

I stood there enjoying the serenity of the place and my own company, a shadow cast on the railing loomed over me, my heart's beginning to beat faster,there's a low lightening save for the fairly lights here. I'm all alone and so close to the railing whoever is behind me can swiftly push me over them and no one will ever get to know who murdered me.

I quickly spun around moving a bit away from the railing, the shadow was came closer to me, walking leisurely. The illumination from the fairly lights behind me cast on their face revealing the visage of a man with a stubble and jet black hair, he looks kinda familiar.

I racked my brain, figuring where I know him from and oh yeah it clicked, it's Drey's brother, Achille, from the Thanksgiving dinner. I breathed out relieved, it's no stranger and I don't think the Archambeau's have villainy in their blood,looks are deceptive though. He stood in front of me with his signature smirk, "so we meet again, this time in my house."

"Yeah." I simply reply, suddenly wanting to leave his presence, the relief I felt minutes ago wearing away. I'm not comfortable being in here with him, don't know why , I just don't feel okay.

"Anniella isn't it?" He asked extending his hand to greet me, smiling. His smile isn't like Drey's that reaches his eyes, his is kinda forced.

Why should you force to smile with me if you don't wanna be here. "Yeah." Its all I say, flashing him an indifferent facial expression.I don't want to engage in any conversation with him, my short replies should give him the signal that I'm not interested in having a conversation. He either didn't get the memo or overlooked it.

"The very one who's also fallen into the web of my little brother." He said rather calmly like he's not hinting at anything, the look on his face when he said my little brother differs from his tone.

What does he mean by  also fallen into the web of my little brother?  Is he trying to play games with me or make stories up to test me if I believe what the media says about Drey? "What are you trying to get at?"

"It's not in my power to tell, as a good friend I'll advice you to be wary of a man like Andre, appearing handsome yet devilish, the devil reincarnate himself."

I didn't get the chance to reply, the shadow of a man I know too well, even in the semi darkness his shoulder length hair gave him out. He ambled towards us but stiffened when his gaze landed on his brother.

Drey came to be, encircling his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to his body. "What business do you have  doing here?"

"This is the house I live in, of course I'll be present if there's an event." Achille replied in a duh tone, giving Drey a bored expression.

"You very well know what I'm taking about, don't give me that busllhit." Drey howled at his brother, the latter's face contorted with contempt but masked it with a smile pretending he was not bothered.

"I don't know what you're talking about dear little brother ." He brushes off God knows what from his tuxedo and faced me, "think about what I told you, it'll do you good." He winked at me but huffed at Drey and walked away with haughty steps.

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