40. Evil devil

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Anniella's POV

"So what are we doing today?" I asked Drey, my Italian tour guide since he's been in this country more than countable times, lmao.

"What do you want us to do?" He asked taking a bite of his brioche bun.

"I want us to go to the beach but before that grab aracinis and cannolis from the snack shop in town I'm craving for them."

"That's what you always say." We've been in Italy for a whole week and trust me, Sicily is beautiful, their food is addicting especially the aracini, I so can't get enough of it and the beach is fine devoided of litter whatsoever. I love Sicily already but I'm not going to tell Drey that, he's going to tell me I told you so. He's right yeah but I don't want to feed his ego.

"Let's grab our beach outfit and get going, we have that Netflix and chill thing tonight remember?"

"I do babe, the movie is on me." I had to tell him in a stern voice. Knowing him he's surely going to make us watch a horror movie. That's what he's been doing lately, so he can get the free pass to cuddle more with me. It ain't like I don't like it, I do but the nightmares I get after watching those movies are what I don't love about he choosing.

"Whatever you say hun." He left to his room,leaving me in the living kitchen to finish our breakfast, Granita al caffé con brioche. I can't say what that means, lmao kidding, it's brioche bun with a bowl of warm granita and a cup of espresso or any coffee, so yummmmyyyy.

Andre's POV

"You ate this in the morning, seriously Ann it's too much." I'm worried about Ann's new found love for aracini and cannoli. She's been eating them since the first day she tasted them and has gotten addicted to it. Whining every time she's craving for aracini and cannoli, I have to get her out of here without her getting sick from too much junk food.

"You're no fun boo." She rolled her eyes at me, washing her hands and wiped them clean.

"I can't be fun when I'm thinking about your health, today should be the last time you eat that Ann." She only smiled and said nothing, "I'm serious babe, now should be the last."

"Fine!" She stomped off rolling her eyes at me. I sighed deeply and tug at my hair. I'm I dating a twenty years old or a five? I never knew it was this difficult dealing with a spilt brat till I met Ann, damn! I need to be given the award for World's Most Patience human being.

Ann must be sulking at the living room right now. I have to follow her and make her understand and be on the same page as me. Just like I thought she was seated in the sofa, hands crossed over her chest.

She heard me come in and turned towards me, tears stained her face. Ann got off her seat and came towards me, pulling me in a hug, "I'm sorry boo for being so hard to deal with. I know you want the best for me."

"C'mon babe don't cry. You shouldn't cry over this but promise me not to eat those stuffs again. See how you've gained weight since we got to Italy." I raised her shirt showing her her now protruding belly. It isn't so big it's a tiny mountain which she needs to work on.

"I know Drey, I've been seeing it in the mirror and I get so sad, it's all my fault and I can't seem to do anything about it." She sniffled her tears, looking at my face.

"Then why don't you stop." Is it so hard?

"I've gotten addicted."

"I thought as much, to solve this problem. We aren't going to go out to eat anymore, I'll be preparing us veggie foods from now till we leave here. How does that sound?"

"It's okay."

"Now lemme give you a big kiss for being a good girl." Ann chuckled thinking I was joking. I brought my lips on hers ceasing her from chuckling. Now that better. "What are we watching?"

"Your call, I'm too tired to argue." Ann muttered against my lips smiling.

"How about Van Helseing?"

"Your call babe, I'm cool." I knew she's not. She's only agreeing to it just to make me happy and I'm also opting for that just to cuddle with her more and more.

I do get to cuddle with her but I want it extra. Too much of everything is bad but not cuddling, it's rather good for us says Doctor Drey. Heyy it's been long Ann called me that. I love it when she calls me that though, the way it rhymes and how it rolls n her tongue, soooo nice.

"Lemme go grab a big bowl of ice cream, imma be back." Ann let go off my hands and went towards the kitchen. My eyes unconsciously went to her ass, boy they're fatter than before and softer making them jiggle in her baggy sweatshirt as she's walking.

My baby has gained more weight this summer thanks to aracini and cannoli and the other snacks she eats thinking I don't know. Though I'm worried about it, I think I'm happy. I've gotten more softer ass to grab and something to stare at more, lmao. I'm kidding but serious.

I connected my phone to the tv so we can watch the movie on Netflix. Ann came smiling and waving a big bucket of ice cream. "I found just spoon so we gotta share."

"I have no problem, we've orally shared more saliva than what we're gonna share now."

She blushed at my words and sat in between me. "Babe, do you know you've gotten more butt?"

"Yeah I do, I actually wasn't aware till one Miya grab it and told me."

WTH! A nigga did that and she never told me? "When was that? And you never told me?" I'm angry asf right now. Do I really have to chain her in my room when we get back to the US?

Ann rubbed my clenched arms, laughing. "No I'm human not an animal and Drey I was just messing with you. The look on your face was oh damn!"

Did I say that out loud and why is Ann laughing so hard. It ain't funny, she doesn't know how I'm feeling right now. Mmnh two can play this messing with you game. "Babe?"


"Remember Cael?"

"Yeah, what's up with her?"

"She sent me her nudes and damn the girl's so hot!"
Ann snapped her heard in my direction, glaring at me, "and you have the nerve to tell me? Adding she's hot. Get away from me!"

"I thought two can play this game." I laughed so hard, wiping tears from my eyes. Women and their jealousy, Ann's so mad right now. She's going to blow up any minute. She seriously thought she's the only one who can mess with people, forgetting I'm the king of best revenge. "I'm also messing with you, the look on your face was oh damn." I mimicked her words from earlier.

Ann stopped glaring at me, breaking into a loud booming laughter. It's like a an echo from a cave or a forest. "You're crazy Drey, just because I was messing with you a little, you nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Oh really?"


"Then be prepared to die the next."

"Evil devil."

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