23. I don't know what I've done to deserve this blessing.💍

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Thank you @kay_sworls21 ❤️

Andre's POV

I take a look at Ann who's by my side, eating and listening to the conversations being made around her. She's sitting there with her innocent face and those brown eyes looking intently at her food, I don't even know what's so interesting on her plate. She's always looking perfect but tonight she's flawless even with no make up.

I wanted to introduce her to some of my business acquaintances the time I saw her arrive but couldn't  because of those promiscuous ladies who couldn't keep their hands of me, dragging me to secluded places to talk about the trash they always say. I can't comprehend if they're just dumb or are refusing to be sensible, I've told them on more than ten occasions to leave me be yet they always harass me with their unwanted sexual advances.

They infuriate me anytime they do that and tonight was no exception, I yelled and threatened them yet it was of no use, it was as if their ears have been blocked from hearing anything but sex.

I left them pissed to search for Ann and finding her with Achille got me enraged. What was Achille doing with Ann at the dark balcony? I do trust Ann, I know she can't do anything shameless but with Achille, you'll never know. I don't trust him around anything or anybody related to me not even our parents. Freaking scumbag!

He had the audacity to wink at my Ann, my cute brown skin girl. I know he did that to irk me and trust me he did achieve his aim. Whatever thing he told Ann is important if Ann who usually doesn't zone out seems lost when we were at the balcony and even now.

I saw her facial expression the time Achille came to the table, a blank look. It tells there's more to the 'it's not important' crap Ann was telling me.  I need to get to the bottom of this anyway I can.

And as for Mia and those floozies, I'm surely going to get a restraining order against them. I can't let them tamper and destroy totally this beautiful thing I have with Ann, it means so much to me.

"Anniella my dear." My mother called out to Ann, who raised her head to look at her, "I'm so pleased it's you that Drey finally chose, I never thought I'll see this day." Mother said her eyes getting moist, tears ready to fall any minute. So did I think beautiful.

Ann blushed smiling shyly, I took hold of her hand under the table and rested it on my lap, drawing circles on it, to help her relax. "Mother stop embarrassing Ann."

Father joined in, "My boy, we're all pleased with this great news. I secretly was rooting for Ann to be my future daughter in-law when I saw her at Richard's party, she was so modest and well mannered in the way she carried herself."

"Dad we were strangers then and you were already choosing ?" I can't believe my parents, not that I'm mad, I'm surprised they were all secretly choosing Ann for me just in a night they met her, they sure have good taste like I do, after all I'm their son.

"I saw the way you two looked at each other, the way you couldn't take your eyes off her when you were introduced and the whole dinner" father smiled , "your mannerism on the dance floor, son I've been a youngster like you to know you were already love struck."

"Daaaaaddd." I face palmed in embarrassment, was I that obvious that night for my dad to know of my feelings back then? Geez I need to be more discreet next time.

My parents and Uncle Richard and his wife laughed at Ann and I's misery, El joined in. Whispering things into Ann's ear causing her to blush more. We were all happy except for that scumbag who rolled his eyes, apathy written all over his face. I'm not the least surprised, someone like him can't be happy for others and share in their joy.

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