33.I don't want you to thank me, you know what i want😎

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Anniella's POV

Thank you officer. I silently said in my head. He's a God sent, relieving me of what Drey wanted me to give him. It's not like I ain't happy giving it to him, the fact is I'll gladly love it to give it with all my heart.

The thing is I'm shy and I don't trust Drey to keep it less intense. These things are new to me and Drey loves it. I don't trust him not to go further than why he asked of me. I was born and bred in a religious home where I was taught to abstain from lust filled desires which only corrupt our soul and drives us away from God.

I uphold my values very much, knowing it's the only thing that sets me apart from others. Drey is religious and he's a full bloodied man who in his past relationships had these things at his beck and call. What if he's tired of us just kissing and wants something more, you see? I also ain't ready to give the more till I'm married and before he and I quit, I had a feeling he will soon be fed up not getting more from me.

"Babe you have a call." Drey shook my entwined fingers to gain my attention. I must have been lost in my thoughts if I didn't hear my loud ringtone going off.

He looked at me as if I was a puzzle he was trying so hard to solve, "are you okay? You've been quiet since that officer interrupted us."

"I'm fine b, lemme call my mother back." I smiled at him though there was this lump in my throat. An uneasy feeling suddenly is washing over me. What if Drey is getting fed up, that's why he's asking for an out of breath kiss knowing I won't give it to him and maybe get a valid reason to quit once again. I know we just got back together but I can't read his mind you know. What if?

"My baby girl!" My mothers voice rang over the line after the first ring, "how you doing ?"

"I'm fine mama, you?"

"I'm good too but there's a little issue I want you to clear."

Issue? Want me to clear? "What mama?" I am instantly alarmed her tone, is not that of excitement. There's worry laced in it, could it be something bad?

"Your father and I have been told you and that boy who broke your heart are back together," I unconsciously glanced at Drey who already had his eyes on me. We were already at the airport.

"Yes mama we're back together everything was a misunderstanding. We've cleared the air."

"Are you really sure about your decision? You can tell me anything you know."

"Don't worry maa, I'm very certain on my decision. Andre isn't how he was portrayed to be then, he isn't a cheat or a player or a manipulative liar and all that and yes, I can tell you anything that's why I'm telling you now, I love him maa and I'm more than certain on getting back together with him."


"Maa I'm very sure, he's the most caring man. The kind any girl would proudly take home to her parents, trust me maa."

"If you say so, where are you? We're back in home."

"Uh I'm going on a trip with Andre."

"So soon? Where?"

"Uhm he said it's a surprise. Don't worry maa I'll call you when we get there. I promise, I love you....mwah bye." My mother won't stop till she satisfied her curiosity. I don't want to keep Drey waiting so I had to hang up.

Drey thought for a while, opening his mouth and closing it. He wants to say something but doesn't know how, typical him. I rubbed his back as we got into his jet, helping him relax so he can say what's on his mind. I have a feeling it's about the conversation I had with my mother. "I think your mother doesn't like me."

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