29. Because I want to talk to you.

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Happy Valentine's day to y'all❤️🍫🌹✨

Anniella's POV

I'm a big liar if I say I'm not relieved. I feel like a big burden in my life has been lifted off me. Izzy and I are walking to the car park after lectures. We're as happy as ever, "so how are you going to spend your summer holidays?"

Do I have anywhere going aside being at home? I wanted to spend my summer break with Drey when we were together but now that we're over and done with, I guess I'll stay at home all day long. "I want to visit my parents in Ghana but if I don't I'll be home through out."

"What about El and Chloe?"

"They were making plans, maybe I'll join them or I'll pass if I don't go to Ghana."I shrugged my shoulders, I miss my parents and I want to see them but they told me they are away on a trip. It has made me uncertain on how my holidays will be like.

"Hola me if you pass, I want you to come with me to Santorini. It's going to be hella fun!" Izzy exclaimed like a girl who's finally been noticed my her crush.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said to her, unlocking my phone to order an Uber. I really want to get home and get out of these clothes, the jeans is making me itchy. The Uber said the driver is right here in the car park, I thank God though it's a little weird. Most of the students here have their own cars and only a few people like me use Uber.

It's a first time I've seen an Uber right here in the university premises. "I'll make sure to call you if I have change of plans, be good and keep everything censored." I winked at a blushing Izzy.

She and Lawrence are so serious, they're on the road to marriage as I speak. El and Chloe too are doing pretty good in their relationships. I'm the only one left who's booless, not that I mind but I mostly feel like a third wheel when we go out to eat at restaurants or to the movies.

I sigh and get into the Uber. I look out of the window, watching some of the students bidding goodbyes to their friends and some being lovey dovey with their partners.

I painfully tear my eyes away and look on my phone typing a text to Nessa.
Babes, are you ok Summer Break yet?
Almost, want me to come over?
I would love to but I wanna go back home😕
Me too😔, I miss my momma💔
You can go visit her, mine are away on a trip.
😕 too bad💔
Yeah yeah😔💔
We can go see them in Fall or during Christmas break☺️ don't worry.
But I miss them😭💔
We all do
Bezz is typing.....

The driver isn't taking the steet to my house, he has actually steered the car onto the road leading out of Montclair. Is he a kidnapper or a serial killer, if I do make it out of her alive, I'm never taking an Uber again. "Excuse me Sir, that's not the way to my destination." I master all the courage I can to yell at him. My heart is beating so fast I can even hear it.

"Don't worry babe, I got you." The driver said cool. My heart skips a beat. It can't be.

Huh Babe? There's only one person who calls me by that name and the last time I checked him and I were done with. It can't be Drey, he's probably in a multi million dolar deal right now at his office. But the voice is that of him. "STOP THE CAR!"

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