37. Softest pillow ever☺️

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Andre's POV

The sunlight rays flickered down on my face. I groaned, waking up. I felt a soft body beside me, the familiar scent hitting my nostrils. My baby. I remember telling her to sing for me while I had my head on her laps. Those succulent soft thighs of hers. Had I known they were such, I would have back in the days slept on her laps more. They were the most comfortable lap I've laid my head on aside Mama's.

How did we end up here from the floor we sat to eat yesternight?

My eyes slide to Ann, she had her head laid soundly on my bicep, the pillow completely forgotten. It had me wondering if she isn't uncomfortable, my bicep is not really the softest with the working out and all. Her peaceful face doesn't show she's uncomfortable either.

Her eye lids and long lashes fluttered and eyes opened staring directly into mine. I smiled, sending my lips to her forehead and pecked it affectionately, "Good morning princesse, I trust you slept well?"

Ann nodded and smiled nothing less. She covered her mouth with her hands, "yes you?"

"How can I not sleep well when I had the softest pillow ever to support my head."

"Yeah they have real good pillows here." She nodded her head agreeing with what I said. Little did she know I'm referring to her thighs. Ann can sometimes be so innocent, geez!

"No no, I'm not talking about these damn pillows, I'm referring to my thighs." I grabbed the pillows tossing them away. They can't be compared to my Ann's thighs no way.

She smiled shyly and blushed. "They aren't the softest."

"They're the softest ever, Mama's can't be compared to yours, see." I gently squeezed her thighs, "see how soft they are." They are so soft I can't even stop squeezing them.

Ann still covered her mouth, giggling. "Stop Drey, I see you've proven your point."

Girls and their morning breath issues. I have to do something about Ann's morning breath insecurity and I think I know just what to do. "Hey babe, what's that insect beside your mouth?"

She shrieked, pulling her hands away, "where?"

I refused to smile and scooped her into my arms. I can't give my trick away like that. I inched her head to give me a full access to her lips and brought my fingers to her mouth as if I'm examining the insect. I then crashed my lips on hers.

Ann gasped, pushing my chest. I yanked her hands away from it, holding it in a semi tight grip and went on with it. After unsuccessful attempts she gave in, that's when I pulled out. She had a confused expression on her face.

I smiled down at her, caressing her lips with my fingers, "that's better, now that I've kissed you without you brushing your teeth this morning, I hope you'll overcome your morning breath shit. You taste sweet as always and I like this even better."

"Drey, it's disgusting. Ewww."

"You just broke my poor heart into million pieces babe, I haven't brushed my teeth."

"Lmao sorry boo, you weren't having morning breath, I had and it was disgusting for me. Eww." She made a disgusted face.

About me not having a morning breath is true, those girls I used to be with in the past told me countless times and asked if I had a surgery or something that prevents me from having it. It's natural, I don't know how but it is. "It's not disgusting babe, stop it. I kissed you and it was nice so leave me to worry about it and FYI there's nothing to freak about."

"But Drey.."

"There's no buts young lady, we will be doing it  often."

"I'm never sharing a sleeping space with you and waking up after you do ever again."

"We will see about that."

"Yeah yeah we will." Ann got off me, taking the pillows and blanket.

"Where are you going?" I thought we're going to enjoy the sunshine for sometime before we start our day.

"To my room duh, I'm going to take my bath." She said in an obvious tone, like I should have known beforehand.

"C'mon babe, let's enjoy the sunlight now."

"If you wanna tan, tan alone. I'm already an Oreo cookie, I can't tan." Ann said laughing and walked away.

"You aren't Oreo babe, I love your skin tone." I shouted for her to hear. I heard giggling as she went inside. My stomach gurgled.

I discarded the idea of enjoying the sun, striding to the kitchen. Though I had food to eat last night, I'm as hungry as a bull right now.

I'm sorry for this short chapter😔 not feeling too well, I'll make it up to y'all in the next if  I get better🙂

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