5. Keep your hand to yourself

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10 months later.

These past months have been hectic but eventful. Uncle Richard had already written and submitted application to universities before I came over and luckily one university accepted me, Montclair State University where I'm studying broadcast journalism.

Lectures are okay, I really love the university and my program too, my lecturers aren't bad either. I haven't made many friends aside Isabella who I always sit and do everything with. She came earlier than I did so she briefed me on how things are like in here.

I still text and FaceTime with Nessa who'll be going to the England to study neurosurgery. We won't get to visit most of the time because studies but She will fly to Montclair during breaks and holidays to stay with my family here.

Speaking of family my birthday was a month ago, the 12th of October. It was one of my best birthdays ever. My parents back home in Ghana called to wish me when it was 12:05 am like the usual tradition and prayed for me invoking blessings on me.

My family here too woke up early and wished. I had so many presents from them, Chloe didn't know what to gift me with so she gave me her credit card to get myself whatever I wanted.

The credit card is in my bedside drawer unused, I don't know what I want for myself and she hasn't asked me either, I might return it one of these days.

My family during the evening surprised me with a birthday dinner at a a fancy restaurant in Manhattan. I was overwhelmed by the love they showed me and I couldn't back then and can't now ask for anything more than that.

I'm running late for lectures this morning. Thanks to El, I couldn't sleep early the previous night. She literally convinced me to stay up all night to watch Money heist with her, we ended up eating three box of pizza and two large bottles of coke.

I throw on a cream colored blazer after wearing my crop top on my black high waist skirt and wear a black pumps. Perfect outfit for a presentation.

I don't even look at myself in the mirror and ran down the stairs and spot Aunt Bertha. I give her a quick kiss on her cheek, "I'm so late aunt, I'll see you later Alright ?"

"Okay dear be good, may it be well with you today."
I don't reply back and rush outside, I'm sleepy as ever, I need to make a quick stop down my favourite coffee shop and get a cup, it always gives me some sort of energy to get through my lazy days.

El's my ride to lectures most days , seeing my condition I don't think hers is any better, I left her to sleep so you can imagine.

I hail a taxi to the coffee shop though I'm so late, I can't give a presentation in this state. I need to get a hot cup of expresso.

I open my bag and rummage through for my notes, the one I made for the presentation today. It's intact, perfect.

I hand the taxi driver his fare and literally flew out of the car into the shop. I guess today is my lucky day, there a few people in line. I don't pay more attention to then as I tap my right leg impatiently, waiting for it to be my turn so I can order my coffee and get out of here .It finally gets to my turn. Its about time.

"Good morning Ann?" Maddie, my favorite waitress greeted cheeringly, " the usual?"

"Good morning you too and yeah, I'm kinda in a hurry."

"Don't worry, I got you."

She hands me my coffee two minutes later, I thanked her and made for the door.

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