14. I love you damn it!

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I gosh I'm so exhausted. El came to my room early in the morning to drag me out bed to town. She was talking non stop about the dinner with Andre tonight and that I should get ready to look my best . I don't get why she's so hyped about it. We're just friends! I kept chanting to her but she just brushed me off, she told me she won't hear more of it.

We went to a nail salon and I got my nails done, ombré acrylic ones. We also bought dresses , one for me and one for El who's also going on a date with Darrel tonight . It wasn't a double date , we're going out separate ways. I didn't bother fixing my hair, imma go with my Afro wig cap.

I dumped myself on my bed to get the sleep El deprived me off in the morning. I took off all my clothes and wore a robe to bed. I was almost in dream land when my phone buzzed . I groaned who is it ! I unlocked the screen and saw it was the devil himself , Drey.
Love , how you feeling? Can you make it tonight ?
I'm fiiine! for the millionth time today😂 and yes I can make it 😌.
I'll see you in four ish

I shut my screen and silenced it before going back to sleep. If I don't get this sleep , I'll be dozing off during the dinner and I do not want that.

I stirred in my sleep facing the door, I wasn't able to drift back when Chloe barged into the room noisy as ever!

She plumped her body on my bed almost on my body if I didn't shift backwards. "Wakey wakey baby, it's time to go meet daddy!"

"What time is it ?" I asked sitting on bed, it feels like I slept an hour ago.

"6:40pm , you slept for 3 damn hours."

"Really and no one woke me up ?"

"Girl look on your phone, tons of missed calls from El and I , you weren't picking so I decided to come wake you up myself."

"Gosh sorry I silenced it." I got up from bed and headed into the bathroom for a quick bath.
I rinsed the chocolate scented lather off me and hopped out of the bath , drying myself quickly before brushing my teeth and going back to the room.

Chloe was at it again , combining clothing together to make the perfect outfit. She had the velvet dress which was an off shoulder at one side with a slit that El bought for me earlier, beige heels and purse.

I threw a pantie and bra and wore the dress, it was okay , I loved it . I wore the Afro wig cap , gold loop earrings and sat down for Chloe to do her magic one more time.

She was done in minutes and swiveled my chair so I faced the vanity mirror. My reaction was just like the Thanksgiving dinner, "Thank you so much Chloe I love it. It's perfect!"

"Now if you're done gushing , can you wear your heels and grab your purse, daddy's here!" She said smiling down at me.

"Okay mama." I slide my feet into the heels and grabbed my purse . I found a ring at the vanity table and put it on.

"Now go, I'm so happy you've got a man now!" She shooed me out of my own room laughing at me.

"He's my friend not my man!" I rolled my eyes. It's getting out of hand.

"It's not what it seems!" She yelled after me. El came out of her room and together with Chloe walked me downstairs to the living room where Aunt Bertha and Carmen were talking to Andre.

They gave my hand to Andre like how Fathers do to their daughters on their wedding days.
Andre blushed profusely smiling, he didn't take his eyes off me.

Aunt Bertha and Carmen chuckled, "You two look perfect together!."

"You're looking divine honey." Aunt Bertha chirped in, "You two should get going before you get late ."

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