8. Money spitting jerk!

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Andre's POV

I was behind my laptop in my library when a call came through. I didn't even notice, I was deep in thoughts. My mind was on her for the millionth time. I ran my fingers through my hair. I seem to be doing it a lot lately. Lately meaning since the time I crashed into clumsy in front of the coffee shop that morning till this moment. I was so angry that morning And I took it out on her. My conscience pricks me anytime her terrified face when I barked at her comes into memory. I hate that I caused that instead of a smile. I need to apologize to her, I would have to try harder than going to the coffee shop every morning. Maybe let my men track her down gosh I don't even know her name.

The call comes through a second time and I check the ID, it's the only woman of my mother aside my sister. I wonder why she's calling, it's been less than an hour I talked to her.

I instantly pick it up and press the phone to my ear. "Hey beautiful."

"Honey I forgot to mention your dad has received an invitation from his friend Richard to attend his dinner party, he invited the entire family, I would love you to come. Hope you don't mind?"

Not in the least. "No love, I don't mind at all." I don't really mind going to the dinner party, Uncle Richard is like my second father. We're this wealthy and established as a household name thanks to him. I'll forever be grateful to him , he helped us when our own blood couldn't stick around to help us.

"Thanks honey, I know it won't be easy for you, your father and I appreciate this."

"It's no problem mom, I'll see you guys in two hours." I hang up the call and look at the reports of the land I asked to be investigated in my home country, France which are displayed right now on my laptop screen. I go through them for about twenty minutes before shutting down my laptop and left for my room.

I open the door to my room, my bachelor room in a plush penthouse on the last floor of our family hotel in Manhattan. Will it ever be filled with the soft giggles of the love of my life?  I shake the thought away and go into the bathroom to take a shower.

The water relaxing and calming me as it touches my skin. The scent from my strawberry shampoo fills the air and sets my mind at ease as my conscience starts pricking me. What are you doing to me clumsy!?

I get out of the shower and draped my body with the towel my little sweet sister gifted me on my birthday last. I smile at the memory, I miss her so much. It's been long I talked to her unlike our three times in a week agreement, every second of my time is spent buried in work, taking our empire to more greater heights.

I walk in to the closest she personally designed for me and settled on the black tuxedo I wore to her birthday last summer. The last time she was ever home. I picked a random pair of socks slide my feet into my Armani shoes and sprayed my body with my favorite perfume by Clive Christian. I leave my hair loose so I can run my fingers through it without messing it up unlike styled hair.

I go back to the library for my phone and take my Lamborghini Urus key and headed for the garage. I scan my fleet of cars and my eyes land on the gold Lamborghini Urus I got in the evening of that day I met clumsy. Why does everything in my world now, revolve around you?

I unlocked the door and got in, driving away from the garage onto the busy streets of Manhattan.  I don't speed off like most days, I have more time since I got dressed in time.

I'm soon driving onto the streets of Upper Montclair. Expensive and serene place to live in. I won't last a day here in this neighborhood. I prefer the bustling life of Manhattan especially at night  when I'm back from work and I'm all alone. I dial my mother's number as I got into Uncle Richard's neighborhood.

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