35 Welcome to Bali babe🇮🇩❤️

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Ann eventually got me to leave her room, with threats. Yeah yeah, she said she's going to book a flight back to New Jersey and leave me all alone to myself here this summer. What the heck?

How fun will it be without her here? No fun I had to leave her room without another word. She meant her words with the serious expression on her face.

I'm not going to walk on a runway, it's a tour out on the beach. I settled on shorts with a floral shirt and Gucci slippers. My hair was now dry and left loose like aways. Though my outfit is simple, I can bet a million bucks I'm looking dashing. I always am, mama and papa did well giving birth to me with this god like look which makes the ladies go crazy. Merci beaucoup mama eat papa.

The sun is intense this time of summer, I rummaged through my suitcase and fished out sunglasses. Putting it on, I checked myself out in the mirror. Oh boy if I were gay, I'll no doubt crush on my reflection right now. The god of handsomeness is staring right back at me now.

I winked at my reflection and walked out of my room to Ann's. My breath hitched, the air in me slowly escaping.My eyes are laying on the most beautiful creature ever created, my Ann. She's looking like a goddess in her yellow and white floral print two piece high slit dress with a plain white top, her long legs in Gucci beach beach slides. Her hair was in a bun on her head, neck adorned with a gold choker and her Gucci sunglasses hindered me from seeing those beautiful brown eyes of hers.

"Woah babe." She's slaying her outfit as simple as it is, with no make up whatsoever. Typical Ann, that's one thing I love about her,she doesn't concern herself much about make up, freely flaunting her beautiful make up free face. Ann clutched her Gucci beach bag shyly, staring at me with uncertainty in her eyes. What is she doubting? "Come here love."

I scooped her into my arms, kissing her forehead. "Why the uncertainty in your eyes?"

"I doubted you'll love my outfit."

"Don't be silly babe, I'll love your look even if you wear a sack or in rags. You slay everything love. Don't ever think I sometimes find your dressing unappealing."

She beamed at me and hid her head in the crook of my neck, "thank you boo."

"That's my girl, Can we get going now?" I'm anxious to see the expression on Ann's face when she gets to know where we are. I know how much she wanted to come here and I can't wait to see her reaction.

"Yeah yeah let's go." She got out of my arms, taking my hand in hers and entwined our fingers. I turned to smile at her and gaze at her beauty one more time before we leave.My baby is looking expensive in her Gucci products, just the way I love my girl. My baby's Gucci glowing, adding more value to it.

I opened the door, ushering us out of our lagoon suite. The sun was scorching hot, perfect for a body tan. My girl doesn't need a tan, she's naturally tanned with her glowing brown skin. Too bad, I didn't take my tan cream, been meaning to tan since Summer was nearing.

There was a sign, Mulia Resort Bali. A high pitched squeal sounded beside me. Ann had a stunned expression on her face and was almost in tears, her hand covered her lips. "Welcome to Bali🇮🇩 babe!"

She got into my arms, removing her sunglasses and sobbing silently. I rubbed her back confused. I thought Ann told me she wanted to go to Bali for vacation on the day of our first lunch together. I remember vividly, then why?

Then why is she crying, when her dream has come true. Girls. I sighed in my head, if she doesn't like it then we're going to go pack our bags and fly to the next country on my list. "Babe look at me, why are you crying? Don't you love it?"

I raised her chin for her to look at me in the face, "I do, I do. It's just, it's been my dream and now I'm here. I didn't know you paid attention to it the time I told you-"

"I pay attention to anything you say, they are one of the ways, I can fulfill your dreams."

"Thank you so much boo, I truly appreciate it." I wiped her tears with my finger, kissing her forehead. How did God create girls? They're a piece of work that needs undivided attention, care and love. Why do they have to cry over everything? Something as trivial as this. Grant me with the patience I need in dealing with Ann Lord and understand her better.

"I know babe, I did it for you. Now smile for daddy and let's go touring."

She slowly stretched her lips into a smile and soon her eyes were sparkling, just what I love to see on her. I slapped her ass, "next time you cry like this, I'm going to punish you and I know you wouldn't want that."

Ann nodded her head like an obedient child. That's my girl. I smiled at her and took her hands in mine. We walked around hand in hand, smiling and whispering sweet nothings into her ears making her blush and giggle like a silly little girl as we toured Nusa Dua.

There were lots of other tourists around, like us who were here for the first time. We interacted with them,making temporary friends with them. Ann particularly was less talkative around them, clinging to me more rather than engaging in what we did.

I took it as she's not that friendly around others. That kinda explains why she has less friends, it's good tho. Less friends, more peace and less trouble.

If I had my way, I would have hidden Ann away from the lustful eyes of some of the men around. They stopped in their tracks to gaze at her, ogling over an oblivious Ann who was smiling and tugging at my hand,pointing at things for me to watch.

Those who were stupid enough to think they were brave cat called her despite seeing me with her. I scowled at them, masking my face with an intimidating look to scare them off and circled my hand around her waist. Innocent Ann giggled at tiptoed to peck me, it wasn't enough. I cupped her cheeks, kissing her passionately and somehow roughly. She gasped , digging her nails into my skin. I had to let go off her, lest I scare her. There's this hesitancy on her face times I want to kiss her since we got back, it's like she doesn't trust me. I'm going to talk to her about it.


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