32. Don't think you've gotten away with pacifying me😉

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Andre's POV

"Tell Esteban to get the jet ready, we will be there in an hour."

"You and who sir?"

"Anniella and I, we're back together."

"That's good news, no more grumpy boss."Getting back with Ann has got me grinning like a Cheshire Cat and there's this contentment in my heart, only Ann brings into my life. It has made me less bitter and grumpy. I would surely have told him a piece of my mind if I am not in a good mood.

"Go ahead and do what I've asked, I'll deal with you later." I hanged up the call and took one final look at the clothes I've packed in my suitcase. It's a summer vacation and I won't be needing much. Summer holidays don't need you packing bunch clothes, I'm good to go with my shorts and shirts paired with slippers.

I'm planning on surprising Ann today. I've been tight lipped on our destination, since the night we got back. Telling her will ruin the big surprise I have for her. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I plan on spoiling her in any way I can. If she doesn't like our destination which I doubt very much, we will move to the next and next till she's cool with them.

For Ann I can travel the whole world just to make her happy. Make her live her life like the princess she truly is and that's what I'm doing now. Our summer vacation is going to be the first since we just got together and after that the rest of my plans to make her experience heaven and how it's really like being the love of Andre Archambeau's life.

I grabbed my suitcase from my bed, taking my car keys from my bedside table, I strode to the kitchen for a bottle of apple juice and baguette. This trip is a dream come through for me I hardly had breakfast when I woke up. My stomach has been growling since forever.

Bitting into the bread, I gulped down a large amount of the juice and walked to my car. I stuffed the suitcase at the back seat and got into the driver's side, driving away in haste.

The one hour time I gave to Esteban has been exhausted by me to forty two minutes. I sped through the family neighborhood till I got to their gate and drove through.

My baby was already at the door, bringing her suitcases out. Yes two suitcases, girls always go extra in their packing of clothings. I'm still seeking answers on why they do that, why can't they just be like we men? She ran towards me and pulled me into a warm and soothing hug. My heart melted at the contact of  our skin and her head in the crook of my neck.

I couldn't control my self and crashed my lips on hers. I get this feeling like it's been ages I saw her anytime we meet. She's like a drug, I can't get enough of her. Like always my baby tastes like chocolate.

We all have a sweet tooth, I deepened it, savoring the chocolaty taste of her. "I-think—we should g-et going." Ann pulled away her face flushed and grabbed a suitcase.

I scowled at her pulling away just when it was getting intense. She has this habit of breaking away when they get intense. I've made a mental note to ask her sometime. For now, I smile at her, knowing I'm going to get back all the steamy saliva sharing moments I've been denied while we are on this vacation. There are so many stuffs I've thought of doing with her. Not perverted ones though, cute romantic stuffs not based on lust like what my old friends I've reconnected with suggested we do.

"Can we go? We're already late." Ann pulled me out of my thoughts, tugging at my hand. I nodded at her and opened her door, waited whole heartedly for her to sit before closing it and going to mine.

Ann laced our fingers together and placed it on my lap, the ring I gave her glistening as the sun shone on it. I smiled in satisfaction, my baby is learning so fast. Good girl, I'm going to reward her later. We had a heart to heart conversation the night of the party our family threw for us when we got back together. I told her things I would love she does and one of it is what she has just done.

"Babes you still haven't told me where we're going." Ann pouted, bringing her snicker bar to my lips. I took a big bite out of it just to infuriate her. I know very well how much she lives it and hates it when someone finishes her bar after sharing it with the person.

"That's because it's a surprise, what's the fun it if I reveal it to you?"

Ann frowned, "You mean, bad, evil, wicked, callous and whatever bad word that exist man!" She snatched the bar away from lips, eyeing it still frowning.

I released a hearty chuckle. I don't mind she calling me all those names. I know very well she doesn't mean it and she's looking cute with her mad face and how she's eyeing her snicker bar. No wonder she always tastes like chocolate.

"I'm hurt babe, you know I'm no where near how you're describing me now."

"You are." She looks mad as hell right now. I tried so hard and stifled my laughter.

Bringing her hand to my lips, I stopped midway, gazing at her knuckles before her face, "I was actually thinking of buying you a box of that but since you're calling me that, you don't get it and a kiss over here as well." I pointed to her knuckles, she loves it when I kiss there.

Her eyes widened in happiness hearing a box of snicker bars but turned sad after I said I won't kiss her knuckles. "Babe, you're being mean." She said pouting.

"You're still calling me that when you should be pacifying me." I put on my best hurt face, it always works with Ann and that pout she's giving me is making me lose my cool. She knows what's she's doing.

"How do I pacify you and get that box?"

I angled my head, masking my face with a puzzled expressionism pretending I was thinking hard what she has to do though I already have in mind what I want. "Kiss me till I'm out of breath."

"Huh?" Ann gasped, "I can't and you're driving."
I pulled up to the side of the street, "I'm not driving anymore."

She narrowed her eyes at me, "tell me you want a kiss and stop this act."

"I want a kiss but I'm not acting." I smiled mischievously at her. I'm going to get back those lost kisses starting from here. If only you knew. "I'm waiting, your time starts now and if you don't in the next minute, kiss goodbye to your snicker bars."

"This isn't fair."

"The world isn't fair babes." I spread my arms, beckoning her to get into my arms. Ann kept blushing, she was looking so cute. I'm falling more. Just when Ann was bringing her lips on mine, there was a knock on my side of the window. It made Ann lean away from my face, looking away embarrassed that we've been caught trying to make out on the road.

Why do people ruin good moments with their bad timing. I mentally cursed whoever knocked. I rolled my glass downwards to face the culprit. "No cars are supposed to park over here, that's the sign over there and I don't think you're illiterate either."

A young man in the same age group as me, stood there in a police uniform with an irritated look on his face. If it wasn't for the sign, I would have said he was only jealous of us. I huffed annoyed at him for interrupting us, "I'm no illiterate, I think you should smile more. No woman would want to watch a turn off face like yours. Have a good day."

I rolled back the glass and started the ignition. Baby wasn't too happy with my comeback at him. She sat, pissed off. "That wasn't the nicest come back Drey, you should have been nice. He was only doing his job."

"I know he was but he also interrupted me from getting my lips." I said in exasperation. I've been denied out of breath kisses and when I was able to blackmail her I'm giving me one, that officer interrupted us and my baby is siding with him too.He should count himself lucky, I'm still in my good mood.

Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red. I'm sure scenes of her bold move a while ago is replaying in her mind and me referring to her lips as mine.

Ann didn't reply me. She sat biting her lips. It was a turn on yeah, if it wasn't for the fact that we are late and there are no parking signs on the road, I will pull up and get those lips. Chill Andre, this summer just started. That's going to be my consolation for now.

I'll get them very soon. I can feel it in me. "Don't think you've gotten away with pacifying me."

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