44. Welcome to the family

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Andre's POV

I woke up very early today to showers of rain, booming thunderstorms and lightening. The weather today wasn't favorable for a day out just like these past four days. Ann and I stayed in her old room all day long, sleeping and waking up to eat to the dislike of her father. He stayed clear of me all through out that day at the dining table, the next and today, didn't bother to come down for breakfast today. Ann and her mother weren't the least bothered they kept telling me he will come around and it's just a matter of time.

His attitude is making me feel bad in coming here. He's being a tough nut to crack. Sighing, I get off the bed, hearing a knock on my door. Ann came in my room, smiling and looking so happy after I opened the door, "what's up babe." She pecked my lips, making herself comfortable on the bed.

"I'm bored out of my mind, sleeping all day long." I want to go out and see what entails Ghana that got people flocking here all year long.

"Mnh sorry boo but guess what? I've got good news." She said excitedly, getting off the bed into my arms.

"Tell me babe, you know I'm bad at guessing."

"My dad sent me here to call you." How good is this news? The man is only going to vent out at me. But hey on the bright side I can get the avenue to explain things to him and possibly impress him, you know.

"Uhm when?" I got off the bed, changing into clothes rather than the briefs and singlet I wore.

"Like now, he says it's urgent." She was still smiling. How can she be smiling in a situation like this? When her father doesn't like me and my baby is here beaming at me, "You do know what that means don't you? He's come around! No more attitude towards you and we will be one big happy family. Aren't you excited?" She asked noticing my quietness.

"Uh I am, I am." I gave her a forced smile. So easy for her to say that. Her father isn't ever going to accept me into this family.

"You aren't Drey, I know you but don't worry we will talk afterwards." We went out of my room. Ann was going on and on about how she's happy her father has finally come around.
I wasn't hearing any of it. I was focusing more on what is ahead of me, suddenly I'm dreading meeting her father. I've already ruled out the outcome of the meeting : he isn't going to accept me, I just know it. "He's in here."

We stood outside the door to his study. Ann gently squeezed my arm, it felt so right and soothing for this moment. Her squeeze gave me some sort of bravado. I smiled at her, "I'll see you after babe, I love you no matter what, you'll be my love and life."

She pecked me on last time, looking deeply into my eyes, "you're a very good man Drey, my father will have no other choice than to accept you. No one can hate someone like you boo, I love you more."

I nodded at her and turned my back to knock, hearing a come in, I opened the door to the study. The man himself sat behind his desk, engrossed in papers before him. He got up from his chair to the couch, gesturing me to follow him. My eyes trailed his every move, it was like I was suddenly walking on egg shells, knowing the fate of Ann and I depend on this man right in front of me. "You sent for me sir." I'm I being too bland and impolite? Or I'm I doing just right? Oh God I need my baby with me here right now, she's my comforter.

"I did, sit down young man." His voice was devoided of any emotions, he crossed his legs and looked at me briefly, "I guess by now, you're already aware of the content of our discussion, don't you?"

"Yes sir."

"How do you feel about her?"

"She's my life and the very air I breathe. I love her so much and never want to lose her." I replied him in all honesty, Ann got me catching some feelings, I'd have given anything to catch before.

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