31. I've got a duty tonight.

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I'm filled with so much happiness. I'm the happiest on earth right now. The thought and realization of Drey and I back together sends butterflies in my stomach, my heart hammers like crazy and my face keeps flushing.

My heart leapt when Drey entwined our fingers like we used to do before. He opened my car door when we got to his parents house. I'm wondering what we're doing here when he's supposed to send me back home.

Aunt Bertha and the family are worried by now. I can't call them since Drey and I's battery are dead. He looked at me smiling proudly, "you ready?"

"For? I'm confused why are we here?"

"It's a surprise." He kissed me one more time before opening the door enabling us entrance to the living room.

"Mr surprises we get back in less than a day and there's already a surprise in store for me."

"Let's just say it's a long awaited desire." We ascended the stairs. Drey ushered us into the balcony, the very same, Achille fed me with those doubts. "Wait babe close your eyes."he ordered me before we entered.

I did as he told me, still wondering what all this is about. I'm so excited anticipating what is going to happen now. Hell yasss! I love surprises, they show how much someone cares about you and thinks of you.

"Surprise!" Voices choruses in excitement as we entered the balcony. What are they doing here? I recognize Carmen, Aunt Bertha and El as well as Uncle Richard's voice.

Drey whispered in my ear, telling me to open my eyes. I did and the scene before me was heartwarming. They were balloons decorating the place and a big pink banner with the inscription, fucking finally! The floor was covered with rose petals. A huge cake was in the center and a buffet was set beside it.

The whole mood screamed celebration. Drey handed me a rose flower and kissed me with passion. I kissed back, pulling away when El squealed awww. I blushed and covered my face.

Mrs Archambeau came to us, hugging me and smiling happily. "I'm so excited you two are finally back together. I thought my family and son has lost a wonderful person like you." She looked at Drey and I with adoration and pecked us.

"Nothing makes us more happier and pleased than seeing you two looking at each other with love and being back together. I pray your happiness remains forever, continue blossoming in perpetual love my dears." Aunt Bertha concluded and hugged us. Uncle Richard ruffled Drey hair and tapped his shoulder, "no funny business anymore, you get me?"

We nodded our heads and smiled. Next in line was Carmen she also expressed her delight and blessed us. El being El came to us grinning and handed us a box.

I had no idea what it was but Drey knew it. He smiled sheepishly, scratching his head, "Ann and I haven't gotten to that stage. We're waiting till marriage."

"Typical Ann." El took back the box from Drey and tossed it away, "I'm proud my sister isn't bending her values just because she's so in love."

"That makes me love her more, she's who she is. Not caring what others are doing." Drey gazed at me, adoration showing in his eyes and on his face. His expression tells me how much he adores me in his life and how much he went through hell staying away from me. I think I want to gag and internally slap myself anytime I remember I screamed and yelled at him to stay away from me.

"Hey lovers, grace us with your presence." Chloe shouted for us to come over to where the cake was. I was overwhelmed with the surprise and the love the rest are showing me to notice she was present.

Drey and I were handed flutes of champagne, the others raised their glasses up in a toast. "To this beautiful couple right here, who've overcome their first huddle, we make a toast to more love and life. More happiness in their journey of love." Carmen said.

We clinked our glasses in merry. Drey brought his flute to my lips. I took a sip from it and gave mine to him. He leaned in and gave me a kiss, "You've given me a new life Ann, I don't know what I'll do without you."

"Shh I love you." I shushed him, placing my finger on his lips. Drey bit it and winked. "Please Drey."  I laughed and left his side to find something to eat. The happiness from earlier made me forget the growling of my stomach but right now it's worse than ever.

"What are you eating tonight?" El asked me, taking a plate from the lot and readied to dish out my food. There were lots of food available I'm currently at loss as to what to eat. The beef stew looks delicious, the vegetable and shrimp rice doesn't look bad either and the grilled meat over there is looking mouth weathering, not to talk about the fajita. If I can't decide I'll get a love of everything.

"I can dish out my own food El."

"Relax sis, tonight is all about you and Drey."

"We're back yes, but we're not handicapped."

"Tell that to Carmen and Mrs Archambeau." She looked behind me, suppressing a chuckle.

I turned to see Carmen with a fake mad face and Mrs Archambeau standing akimbo. "Honey, you're the queen tonight. We're all your servants, please go take your seat beside your king and let's serve you." Mrs Archambeau took my hand in hers and led me to the table reserved specially for Drey and I. He was already seated, reviewing papers in front of him. "Andre it's your party tonight and you're working? How preposterous!"

She pretended to be mad at him and brushed him off when Drey got up from his seat to peck her and pacify her. She stormed off, smiling secretly and wiggling her brows at me.

Mrs Archambeau is being funny right now. I pinched Drey, "can't you quit working for tonight see you, pissing your mother off."

"I can quit working with you by my side but you walked away."

"Oh so is this my fault now?" I feigned hurt, pushing my chair away from his and looked elsewhere.

"No no babe, I didn't mean that." Drey knelt down in front of me and kissed my knuckles.

"Awww you're not even married and you're already fighting, sweet." El gushed. Is she serious? "If you want her to forgive you, kiss that sensitive spot behind her ear right ear precisely.She'll forgive you and forget forever." She places our big plate of food on the table and walked away, laughing to herself.OMG this girl.

I covered my face with my hands. My face felt hot. I can't believe El just told Drey something I've made up my mind never to tell him.

He looked at me, his lips stretching into a teasing smile, "really? I would have done that in a heart beat everyday if I knew." He tickled my side and brought his lips behind my right ear.

"Stop Drey, don't mind silly El." I pushed him off me, giggling like a little girl.

"I'll mind if it's something you love." He paused and stared at my face, "I'll grant your wish tonight. For now let's eat, I'm hungry as a pig."

"Who says I'm staying up with you all night. I'll be going home to sleep."

"No baby, you're coming to our home with me. I've got a duty to do tonight. A duty that requires energy and results in sweats and screams." He joked, staring at me to see my reaction.

I smacked his arm, blushing, "get over yourself, nothing of that sort is happening tonight." I was suddenly hot by his words. I focused my attention on the plate in front of me, they're going to divert me from thinking about his words. Such feelings and activities are prohibited if we're to be in a healthy and godly relationship.

I'm borrowing their banner inscription... fucking finally😂 Dreyann is back together❤️. *raises 🥂, toasts to more happiness and less drama*
Who else agrees less drama? And

A million thanks to those of y'all who're reading the book, much love❤️.

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