28. My mission as at now is to get back the love of my life.

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Andre's POV

I've lost myself bit by bit staying away from Ann like she asked me to these past months. I'm worse now more than how I was before she came into my life. I've lost weight since I'm slaving myself to nothing but work.

I don't even have appetite for food or the desire to work on my appearance. My hair has gotten longer and I now spot a beard. The revenge I took on the media company of making sure they lose their ratings, popularity, credibility in their line of business and finally collapse of their company wasn't able to remove this rage I have buried firmly in my heart.

The once good and nice boss is gone, I'm now a mean and grumpy boss. Shouting and venting my anger on our employees, it's a miracle most haven't resigned. I've heard their numerous complaints of me being difficult to work with and hard to please now.

I don't know what to do now, I feel like I'm a lost case. My only drug and solution is Ann but she has asked me to stay away from her. I respect her decision. I've caused her enough pain to leave her alone.

However, I have employed the services of one of the best detectives in New York who happens to be a long time friend of mine to keep tabs on Ann for me. I can't be around to protect her, ensuring her security gives me some peace of mind. I know nothing bad will befall get under Ramirez's eagle eyes.

His daily updates are so far good. She's gone back to being her old self, home to school and sometimes to the salon and restaurant or the movies. Nothing out of the ordinary and what I love most about it is, my Ann hasn't found a new love interest.

It's kinda promising and has given me hope if I am to try harder, I'll get back my Ann. I explained the whole issue to my parents and even Adaline confirmed it. She was supposed to be in Africa helping the less privileged in Central African Republic but happened to be in France the week I went there to oversee some projects.

This is what Ann and the rest of the world don't know. In these past months, I've tried my possible best to talk to Ann and explain it to her. It's yielded nothing, I've called her with different numbers and every time, she yells at me and blocks me.

Initially I got disappointed and angry but as time went on I decided to give her the space she craves and so far it's been good. I'm happy seeing her smile and being happy though it's hurt I'm not sharing in her happiness yeah.

I've not given up, no way. I'm only waiting for an opportune time to talk to her. I'll go to her school and wait till she's done with lectures for the day and force her to listen to me.

I'm done waiting for her in the dark, if persuasion fails, force is applied. If she listens to my explanations and still doesn't want anything to do with me, I'll be mad but I'll leave her alone. If you truly love someone you respect their decision no matter how hard and hurting it is.

The door to my office opened gently. Mother entered with smiles on her face. I quickly put back the little framed picture of Ann on my table and put on a smiley face. I've been giving them the impression that I'm alright and I'm happy as long as Ann is happy. "Hello Mother."

"Son, how you doing?" She asked sitting down in front of me.

"I'm fine but what are you doing here?" I'm wondering what urgent issue has brought her here. She hardly comes to this part of the conglomerate unless it's something of importance that needs serious discussion.

Mother put on a pained face, "can't a mother visit her son when she wants?"

"No mother I didn't mean for me to sound like that, you hardly come here unless its something important." I explained in the nicest way for my words not to hurt her.

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