17.The candle tops it all

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"I'll meet you guys at church alright?" I told El who was dressing up for church, she nodded her head. I left the house taking a cab to Andre's house in Manhattan, he sent an address which I gave to the cab driver, telling him I don't know there, never been on my own to Manhattan so he should take me to the exact place.

"Don't worry Miss." He tipped his hat at me.
I plugged in my earphones and listened to gospel songs on my phone to while away time.
I sang along to the lyrics, bobbing my head. The driver beamed watching me in his mirror, "care to share?"
"Sure." He connected it to his Bluetooth in the car , we listened to it together and surprisingly we both loved the songs of Don Moen and Hillsong.

He sang the songs loud and missing words causing me to laugh, spreading happiness and joy on a Sunday morning, "we're here Miss."

I took the bill from my purse and handed it to him, he declined, "no problem Miss, you just made my morning, remember me when you get to church."

"Okay sir, God bless you." I stuffed them back and waved him as he drove off. I shifted my gaze to the huge building in front of me, it was no house, it was a huge hotel building with a Royal French sign at the middle of the building. I sent Andre a quick text announcing my arrival.

I walked into the reception taking in my surroundings. It's too busy for a Sunday morning with people checking in others going out and little children calling out to their friends. I approached the receptionist who was less busy and greeted her, "hello good morning."

"Good morning Miss, how may I help you?" She gave a polite smile , revealing a set of white denture with a golden tooth.

Andre came down beating me to it, "Hey baby!"
He was looking good in a simple jeans with a black leather coat, his hair left loose as always and growing longer,"She's here for me Petra."

He came closer and gave me a hug , his familiar Clive Christian perfume mixed with his many scent hitting my nostrils. He brought his lips on mine, I gently pushed him away and gave him a peck on his cheeks. He cocked his brow at me , I signed him with my eye to look around. There were curious stated from the staff and people around, the receptionist, Petra gave me a dirty look rolling her eyes.

Andre wasn't bothered, he drew me closer into a tight hug and smashed his lips on mine, zoning the people out. The 'ewww' and 'gross' comments by the little children made Andre pull apart from a blushing me.

"Ready to go?" I asked him looking over at Petra who was whispering things into the ears of her colleague beside her. Her friend turned to glance at me, giving me a dirty look too.

Andre followed my gaze scowling at the two ladies. They gave him flirty stares , Petra went overboard unbuttoning her shirt to show huge tits and cleavage.

Andre rolled hi eyes and took my hand in his, pecked my cheeks and walked us into an elevator.

I was clueless as to what we were doing in an elevator when we should be out there riding to church , "Andre are we not supposed to go to church ?"

"That's what we are doing babe." He kissed my forehead and positioned me in between his arms, my back on his chest. His breath fanning my cheeks.

"D—r." I was flustered, our position was quit bothering.

"Shh love, we're going to my garage, we can't walk to church you know." He sniffed my hair, resting his chin on my head, "your hair smells like cocoa I love it."

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