9. Sexy greek god of a model❤️!

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I whistle as I got into my room from the bathroom. I woke up this morning feeling very happy within my soul. I'm a bustling bubble of contagious happiness. I sang during my bath and kept smiling at myself in my bathroom mirror when I brushed my teeth.

Today sure is my lucky day or maybe something good will happen today who knows? Only God up in Heaven does.
I search through my closet for the perfect outfit for my mood. I settle on a mid thigh off shoulder dashiki dress and a pair of white sneakers and wore them.

Going to my study desk, I take the books I'll be needing for the day and stuffed them into my black Gucci doctor bag. I take a look at myself in the mirror, Glasses please! I looked for my all black glasses and wore them. Now my outfit is perfect, just the way I like it.

I need a hot cup of my favorite expresso to complete my day. I happily run down the stairs bumping into El who decided to skip school today. She's on that time of the month so I quickly apologize and bribe her "Will get you a pack of your Ferraro Rocher, on my way home."

She immediately flung her hands around me squealing, "You're the best sis ever!"

"Just because you're on your thing." I laugh at her reaction. They're her favorite especially when she's on her period , she can eat more than a pack and a big double mac. "Don't you like a big double mac?"

"I will love you even more." She gives me puppy eyes.

"You already love me more." I chuckle, "but don't worry imma get you some , I love you bye!" I wave her, dashing quickly for the door. I'm happy yeah but I don't want to be late and missing the first part of lectures.

I hail a cab, directing the driver to the coffee shop when I sat inside. I took my phone out texting Nessa.
Welcome to Europe baby girl👏🏻🤩 !
Chill girl I've not even landed 😂
You're in European air duuh🤣
Aye you're right😂
So what's up?
On my way for lectures, I'm gonna grab a☕️of expresso before 😌💖
You finally ditched tea for coffee😂 cheat
How we go do am😂?
E b so👏🏻😂

"We're here miss." The driver looked at me with a frown in his mirror, clearly pissed I'm texting though we've arrived. It's not my fault my head attention was on my phone.

"Okay here's the fee, you can keep the change." I flash him a smile and got out, his frown isn't gonna spoil my mood hell no!

My phone buzzed with a text from Nessa.
We're bouta land hun, imma text you later ai?
Okay babes❤️ ..... WELCOME TO EUROPE🤩
Thanks b, but you're far away in America😕
We gonn meet up real soon.

The shop is fully crowded today with high schoolers, corporate workers and others. Fortunately most have their coffees in front of them on tables so I'm able to join a queue with less than ten people at my usual counter.

The two girls who're high schoolers from their dressing are in front of me chattering. I couldn't help but listen to it, they're loud enough for me to hear.

"Can you believe this Kaitlyn, I saw that sexy Greek god of a model right in front of this shop!" The petite red head told her blondie friend who had a bored look on her face but now looked interested, her eyes widening then seemed confused.

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