38. Put your dress on babe. Im not loving this😕

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Andre's POV

Ann came out of her room looking enchanting as ever in an off shoulder dress with a high slit and a hat. She smiled at me and took my hand in hers, "shall we go babe?"

Her voice drew me out of my stare, she's looking beautiful but isn't aware. I nod at her unable to take my eyes off her. She's so beautiful I think one of these days I'm going to lock her up in our room so no man gets to see her.

I don't want men feasting on her like a sex doll. It's beyond irritating when my fellow men stare at women with lust filled eyes like a piece of meat rather than appreciating their beauty.

Her dress isn't provocative in the least. I know men, I am one. There's bound to me more of them out there who'll ogle over her in an annoying way. What pisses me of is their cat calls and uncensored words.

I'm going to try my possible best not to murder anyone today. I've gotta be here for Ann and make this summer unforgettable.

We walked to the beach, scanning the others around to see if we will find the friends we made yesterday. They sent a text saying we should come and check out the beach and that it's going to be thrilling.

They were no where in sight. Breakfast was a disaster,  I was distracted by my phone call with mother who was asking how our summer is going. The bacon got burnt so did the fried eggs, I promised Ann I will take her out to eat. I was contemplating taking her to a restaurant outside the beach or right here to eat when a call came through.

"Hey man, where are you? The others are asking of you two already?" Sergio Bykov, one of the guys we've got acquainted with asked impatiently.

"We're at the beach, we can't find you guys." I told him looking around for the third time.

"We're at the secluded part of the beach, the girls were demanding for privacy from the people here."

"Can you come pick us?"

"Why not, I'll be there in a sec."

"Sergio will be here to take us to where they are, are you still hungry? We can go get something to eat while we wait."

"I'm not, I have snicker bars here." She pointed to her beach bag, "want one?"

"Yeah, I wanna taste like chocolate too." I winked at Ann who chuckled and took one bar for me. "Thanks b."

"No problem, it's yours remember." She blushed, looking away.

I smiled as I recalled that moment in the car but scowled when I remembered that annoying officer who interrupted us.

"Forget it Drey." Ann nudged me in the rib.

"Forget what?"

"I know you're recalling that time in the car and that officer."

"No babe, I don't even remember his face." Lie number one, I remember his face so well. Been thinking of teaching him a little lesson you know, not to mess with me again.

"You aren't such a good liar Drey, your scowl gives you away."

"Is it that obvious?"

"I wouldn't have said so if it wasn't." Ann rolled her eyes at me, one of these days her eyes are going to get stuck.

"Are you rolling your eyes at me?"

"Of course Mr Archambeau." She did it again, crossing her arms, "any problem?"

"You don't roll your eyes at me babe."

"Reason?" Sergio's bad timing interrupted me from telling her my reasons. Actually there are no reasons, I only wanted to mess with her a bit.

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