10. Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️

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Andre's POV

"I just got home beautiful." I unlocked the door to my Penthouse and stepped into the living room. Placing my briefcase on the sectional sofa, I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of cold water.

"Get something to eat and take care, Goodnight son."

"Goodnight beautiful." I hanged up and set the phone aside.I looked through the cupboards for convenience foods. There wasn't much in there save for a box of pasta. I ate pasta last night, I can't eat it again. I need to go grocery shopping.

I suddenly smack my head, I took out frozen onion soup in the morning and I've forgotten, my mind now is for Anniella, every thoughts are of her. Our dance in the ballroom, her cocoa scent and her enchanting black eyes and beautiful smooth brown skin She's everywhere in my mind and it's distracting, in today's meeting, my assistant had to tap my shoulder to jolt me back to reality.

I need to make amends with her before she consumes my soul. I heated the the onion soup and went to the living room. Setting the bowl of soup on the table, I took the remote controller and changed the channel to WNYW to watch the highlights of New York Giants game and enjoy my own company.

The Giants were leading the game with two goals despite the biased nature of the referee.
I groan as my ringtone comes off, looking at the caller ID it's no other than Mia.

"What do you want Mia!?" I yelled into the phone. Can't this girl get the fact that I'm not interested in her anymore into her thick head ? She's dumb, no wonder.

"Baby, you now what I want." She purred. That shit disgusted me.

"You know I'm no longer interested!" My roaring and yelling at her these weeks are not working. Gosh!

"Just gimme one night to change your mind zaddy." Ewww.

"Call my number again or see you anywhere near my office and I'll file a sexual harassment suit against you!"

"Andre ba-" I hanged up the call before I could hear more of her screeching annoying voice.
Girl's got balls coming to my office creating a scene. If not for the good reputation I had in the business world and office, paparazzi would be crouching outside our hotel here.

The soup no longer tasted good in my mouth, my whole mood had been ruined. Taking the bowl I strode to the kitchen and threw the left over away and washed the bowl.

I went back into the living room and turned the television off, proceeding to my library to work on a project before going to sleep.

I walked through the hallway to my library occupying myself with the paintings, pictures and antiques decorating the wall. My eyes caught an all too familiar painting on the wall causing me to tense up. It was of a beautiful she devil with the quote "L'amour fair les plus grandes douceurs et les plus sensibles infortunes de la vie." I should have known better than falling for her, the quote was even a red flag. I was blind like they say love is.

I took the painting off the wall. Why do I even have it till now? Where was it when I was burning all her belongings in here. I smash the painting on the floor causing it to break into tiny bits of pieces, what they should have been long ago.

Rage filled me, bitter memories flooding my mind. I take in deep breaths muttering to myself you're over her. I was over her yes but when I remember what they did then I become enraged. The deep breaths and my confessions are not working like they used to, my chest is currently heaving up and down. Think Andre, think of something good that's in your life now.

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