25. Getting dumped via sms.

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I unlocked my phone, going to the gram to check the post again. I'm trying my level best to convince myself what I'm seeing is not true and they're all lies. He can't possibly do this to me, noooo!!

I can't believe this, it's a picture of Andre with a lady at the Eiffel Tower in France getting all smiles and holding hands. The lady in question's face cannot be seen, the shade room posted it and their caption is what is driving me more crazy.

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theshaderoom Andre Archambeau whose video with his new girlfriend is trending on social media has been spotted  by paparazzi with an unidentified lady in France. It's apparent the two are trying to conceal what's going on between them since the lady's face cannot be seen. Different sources have testified the two have been spotted together on more than one occasions in compromising positions. What happens to Anniella, is she one of Andre's fling? Or is this all a lie as most of his fans claim.

Initially I made up my mind not to let them get to me, like Izzy said, I shouldn't believe whatever the media sells. A brown envelope package was sent to me by an unknown person, containing pictures of Drey and the lady in questions and a video of them going to Drey's suite. They were laughing at God knows what and Drey had his arm around her shoulder  pulling her to himself. In one picture, he's seen kissing her forehead.

I received a text from Drey's number telling me it's over between us and that everything was a mistake. We should go our separate ways and pretend nothing happened between us and for the ring I can throw it away or wear it, I should do with it whatever I want. Drey is such a coward, couldn't he have waited to come back before ending things with me.

Whatever is happening now has got me thinking about what Achille told me. It's a proof Drey is a cheat, player, manipulative liar and a jerk. Yes he's a jerk, playing with my feelings and cheating on me.

I didn't go to school yesterday and today. I thank God exams haven't commenced. My phone is blasting with tons of messages from Izzy, Chloe and some course mates. I don't think I can stand the stares and whispers from the student body. Nessa called me to keep me company and liven up my spirit, honestly it has seriously dampened my spirit and divert my attention from everything that's happening.

Uncle Richard and the family said they don't believe Drey can do something like that. They keep insisting they've known him for a long time and can vouch for him. They think it's a lie or some sort of conspiracy. In this age pictures don't lie, I know pictures can be photoshopped yeah but why will they not reveal the ladies face if they really want to disgrace Drey? Or do they not want to drag the poor lady into this mess if it's Drey they're having a problem with and the message too? Is that one a lie too or a conspiracy?

Whatever the thing is, seriously I don't know. I don't know what to believe anymore. I called Drey in the evening on the landline in his room, my call goes straight to voicemail on his original number and a lady picked saying Drey is taking his bath and he hasn't returned my call  till now to explain the pictures. That made me realize, whatever that's going on right now is true.

I buried my head into my pillow, sobbing hysterically. Why did Drey have to do all this? Lead me on and then cheat the worst part is ending things with me through a text, is this how my first love is going to be like? Being cheated on with a mysterious lady after our video has gone viral and dumped by an sms.

Didn't he think about the consequences it would have on me? My family and his, my education. Is he this selfish? Risking the reputation of his family for a lady. Really Drey you could have done better than that.

I blame a naive me, that a man as handsome and a favorite among the ladies like him can actually stick with one girl. Love sucks!!

The door to my room opened. I didn't know who entered, my head was still buried in my pillow. The person went over to the window, drawing the curtains apart and turned the light on in the room. Why did I forget to lock the door, I don't want to see anyone.

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