34. Ah that feeling.

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Andre's POV

I'll pay million of diamond to watch the reaction of Ann when she wakes up from bed and sees where we are. Our flight was pleasant. Ann and I after kissing, ate and binge watched movies on Netflix and when we were bored, played would you rather. Ann has this funny kinky side to life I wasn't aware of. She made me laugh heartily the whole time and soon I was so tired we went to sleep.

We're currently on bed. Well Ann is, I'm wide awake and going to shower. Today is going to be a long long day and I want us to start early. I glanced at the clock in the wall it read, 10:57am. I leap out of bed and got out of my clothes, throwing them into a laundry bin. Proceeding to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and shaved my beard. Not totally, partial shaving or else Ann is going to be super pissed and kill me if she sees my beard gone.

Women and beard, lmao. She told me she lives my beard and it makes me look more manly. I had to feign hurt, meaning all those times I was beardless, I looked like a little boy to her? She laughed and nodded her head. That night, I spank her real good. She rolled her eyes at me and stuck her tongue out afterwards and run away to my guest bedroom looking the door.

I  got into the shower, taking my time to bath to get the America dust off me, lmao. It's a warm and relaxing bath, I wish I'm never going to get out off from. That isn't possible, Ann will be awake any minute. I need to prepare breakfast for us to energize us for our day ahead of us.

Drying myself, I left the bathroom and threw on a robe, my hair dripping wet from the shower. I went out of my room going to Ann's to check up on her. He door was closed, just the way I left it yesterday. I cautiously opened it and peeked inside.

Lazy Ann was sprawled on the bed, sheets pulled up to her ankles, revealing her smooth long legs. Though she's tiny, she got long legs that models will kill for. I shook my head, smiling to myself and advanced towards the kitchen.

It was fairly a decent kitchen. It's not my dream kitchen but I'll make do with it. There were groceries already so I took out eggs from the fridge, vegetables, bread and a can of tuna flakes.I washed the green bell pepper, carrot, onion and tomato very well and chopped them, putting them into a bowl. I beat the eggs, adding it to the vegetables and whisked it.

I added a pinch of salt to it and whisked it again, tasting it, the salt wasn't enough so I added another pinch and put a frying pan on fire. I added a little olive oil in the pan and when the pan was hot enough, I poured the eggs into it. The air is smelling good with the nice aroma of egg being fried. I flipped the eggs just the way Ann taught me they do it back home in Ghana.

Taking the fried egg from fire, I sliced the bread into little pieces and arranged them on a plate with the egg. I had already boiled hot water, so I poured it into a mug and took an ice cold bottled water from the fridge and added it to the tray of food.

Had I not turned around to take forks, I would have forgotten the can of tuna flakes. I opened the can, pouring the content into a small bowl before discarding the tin into the bin, grabbed a tin of chocolate drink and milk from the counter and put them on the tray.

Our breakfast is set. Ann isn't up yet, that means I have to go upstairs and give her the food in bed. So romantic. Breakfast in bed in, our summer is surely going to be hella fun.

I had to walk cautiously with the tray in hand. Balancing it in one hand, I opened the door to her room. Last her was still in bed. Was she that exhausted to be still passed out in bed?

The door banged unintentionally causing her to stir in her sleep and finally fluttering her eyes open. She was a boy disoriented at first, her eyes darted to and fro the room and when they landed on me, her lips broke into a smile. "Good morning boo." Her voice was raspy and I must say it was so attractive.

"Good morning babe, how was your sleep?" I set the tray of food on her bed and scooped her in my arms.

She nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck, smiling. Ah that feeling. "It was one of the best."

"I'm pleased to hear that, why don't you get off my laps and go brush your teeth. I've made breakfast."

She covered her mouth with her hand and got off me in milliseconds. I chuckled, why do girls always fret about their morning breath? I remember Adaline, never opened her mouth to speak in the morning if she hasn't brushed her teeth, she only nod her head in respond.  I smacked her hand to get her talk but it was never useful.

Ann came back into the room. Draped in a robe, her hair was dripping wet. "I had to take a quick bath."

"Don't worry come here." She came into my arms, smiling at me. Ann is all smiles today, did she have a nice dream of us together?, "dreamt of us?"

"Always, why?"

"You're all smiles." I angled my head to get a better view of her face.

"It's Summer, it's a happy period. I'm in the mood!"

I smiled at her and brought my lips to hers. I always want to wake up to this, Ann in my eyes feeling safe and give her a morning kiss even with her morning breath she hates.

She smiled at me, shifting her gaze to the food. Ann licked her lips, "yummmmmyyyyy."

"Why is a five year old in the body of a twenty year old?" I asked laughing at her squealing, because of food.

"Shut up!" I felt a stinging pain on my hand. Ann giggles looking at my hand and so was I. She just slapped it and giggling instead of blowing kisses on it.

"You mean girl!" I rubbed my hand, staring at her with deadly eyes. She noticed it and shuddered, great. "Let's eat."

Ann prepared my mug of chocolate drink, making it extra creamy, the way I love it. She's becoming more and more of a wife material every day. Don't get me wrong she is but she's becoming extra. "Yours boo."

I took the mug from her, brushing my fingers with hers intentionally. She blushed and fumbled with making her drink with the ice cold water.

We sat there on the bed, eating our breakfast in peace. Stealing glances at each other once in a while. Ann wipes chocolate drink from my lips with her finger, scolding me to take my time though I did it on purpose. I wanted her to use her lips, but I made do with her finger. It wasn't like her lips though, it was better than nothing at all or a napkin.

"I'll come check up on you in five,be ready by then."

"I'll be ready by then the fastest you leave here."

"What we are going to do is fun, but watching you strip out of this robe is more fun. I ain't going anywhere." I backed away from the door and sat on the bed, titling my head to stare at her.

"Andre don't be childish, leave and let me change out of this robe, it's hot in here."

"Your last words have a double meaning babe, why are you so ambiguous?"

Ann burst into fits of laughter and when she was calm, narrows her eyes at me, "Me? Ambiguous? Even if I am like you say,why are you also so perverted? Misinterpreting my words to suit your perverted mind?"

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