12. I missed you❤️!

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"to go away from you but confused and hurt"

Anniella's POV

Aaaarrrggh!" I yelled sitting up on bed.I took my phone which laid on my other pillow and checked the time it's 3am I've not been able to sleep from 8pm that I came to bed. I've been thinking about what Andre did on our last dinner, it always sets my mind on turmoil. What did he want to achieve by doing that ? I can't help but remember it, I liked it.

Andre is behaving weirdly today . He keeps staring at me like we just met and zoned out . I have to repeat myself before he replies .
This evening was great . Much better than all the other dinners we've been too , I love this most .

Both hands are on the wheel , eyes looking straight ahead but don't seem to be concentrated on the road . He appears lost in thoughts to me .

"Drey are you okay ?" I asked with concern. Is he in some sort of problem that he doesn't know if he should share . Whatever is going on in his mind is really important if Drey who is always attentive during our conversations , taking note of the slightest things is mentally lost.

He released one hand from the wheel and have my hand a gentle squeeze , "Yeah I'm fine, why ?"

"You're not here."

"I'm right beside you love." He flashed me one of his smiles that soothes me . I'm not convinced.

"I don't feel you're here, you keep zoning out. Is there a problem you wanna share ? You know you can always count on me right?"

"Yeah I am ." He ran his fingers through his hair, what he always does when he's frustrated.


"Drop it Anniella!" He shouted not at me but at his frustration or whatever is eating him up.

He parked the car in our drive way and got out as usual to open my door. I kept mute , I am going to give him space to sort himself out.

He held my hand , pulling me closer to him and held my chin so my whole face was facing him and his eyes looking into mine, "I'm so sorry back there love , I didn't mean to shout on you , please ."

"I'm not bothered, I feel you're dealing with your the wrong way ."

"I know , I know I just don't know what do. The solution is in my hands yet I can't do anything, I need liberation from this frustration Ann it's killing me." His eyes mirrored sincerity.

"Then liberate yourself if the solution is in your hands, you're only hurting your whole being."

"I wish it were that easy to do like saying."
He looked deeper into my eyes , searching for God knows what. Our faces inched closer and closer and before I knew it . Andre smashed his lips on mine, sharing saliva with me.

He broke away just when I was going to give in more . He ran his fingers through us hair again. Next time he does that imma chop of his fingers . He has fine hair and anytime he does that tiny bits pull out , he will soon be rendered bald.

He stumbled away from me fleeing to his car.
I was left stunned and confused trying to digest what just happened in.

Drey and I just shared saliva and instead flees away like I'm a contagious infection when he should be explaining what he did.

I unconsciously touched my lips, remembering the feel of his on mine. Too bad my first kiss didn't go the way I wanted. He's being shying away from me since that night.

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