18.You smell like me

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I did the dishes despite Drey's protest,pecks and pouting did the trick. He however stood beside me keeping me company scratch that he disturbed me. He kept tickling me and attacking me with kisses , causing me to spill water on the floor and wet myself.I giggled like a little girl, "stop it Drey! see what you've done , I'm wet."

"I'm and hot and bothered babe, hearing that from you babe." He said lowering over me with mischief glistening in his eyes.

I took a step back and almost tripped on the wet if not for the timely intervention of Drey. He carried me bridal style to his room, placing me comfortably on the bed, "are you hurt babe?" He asked concern laced in his tone.

"No love, I'm fine." I sat on bed with my wet clothes, "I need to change these." I said gesturing to my clothes.

"You can go into my bathroom and wash down , I'll bring you a new towel and some clothes."
I nodded my head and went into his bathroom, it smelled of strawberries and lavender. I stepped into the tub and turned on the shower, using Drey's shampoo, I washed my hair and massages my scalp and rinsed my hair and body.

Drey knocked on the door. I opened it slightly to take the towel from him and dried my body. "Drey! Clothes." There was silence. Where is he? Wasn't he the same person who gave me the towel a minute ago? I looked through his rack and fished out a red robe then wore it.

I opened the door to the bedroom and there lies Drey on his bed facing the bathroom door. Smiles playing on his lips, "shit babe, I thought you were gonna come out with a towel draped around your body."

"Drey don't be silly, gimme clothes ,this robe is too big I'm lost in it."

"You look fine it in love, let's go downstairs." He got up from bed towards me. Is he nuts? I go down there wearing this robe ?

I hit the arm he was gonna hold mine with gently and put up a face, "Drey clothes ! Now!"

He put his arms up chucking, "you're no fun love." and went to his walk in closet. I followed him. He rummaged through his sweatpants and handed me one in grey color and moved to his tees giving me a white tee.

I signed him to leave me to change, he didn't budge. He stood there beaming, "gimme a strip tease baby."

"In your dreams Drey, please get out."

"C'mon babe pleeeaaaseeee." He got on his knees, amusement all over his face.

"Stop being a big baby Drey!" I scolded him. He was unperturbed still on his knees. I rolled my eyes. What should I do to get him out of here? Yes an idea came into mind, let me shoot my shot , "Drey if you don't get out , we're over."

Color drained from his face , he whipped his head in my direction and got up , "fine fine , you win but bear in mind , I'm surely gonna get you." He walked out of the closet winking at me.

I got into the clothes which were okay, they weren't too big or small and walked out , I combed my hair. I winced , it's a pain combing it, it gets dry minutes after washing. Because of that I hardly leave it on.

I used Andre's dove anti perspirant spray, it smells like him. I closed the door to his room and walked down the hallway . I met Andre at the living room, watching a movie on tv oblivious of my presence. "What are you watching ?"

He shifted his gaze from the television to me and opened his arms, "come here baby." I walked to him, he sat me in between his legs and encircled his arms around me. He sniffed my hair , "you smell like me."

"That's because I used your shampoo idiot." I snuggled into his warm body, resting my head on his chest.

He chuckled and kissed my knuckles, "I don't have a problem as long as I'm your idiot."

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