36. They're unforgettable and mind blowing.

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Anniella's POV

Y'all know how it feels being surprised with something you've been fantasizing so much about? Yeah that's how I felt as I read the sign at the resort. Bali? I squealed loudly and was left stunned. I mentally thanked God for giving me someone like Drey, who cares and listens to whatever I say no matter how irrelevant it may be. Other men who don't really care about their ladies would have brushed it off or completely forgotten about it but Drey, remembered. No wonder he was so tight lipped about it.

I got into his arms and shed tears. I was overwhelmed by his surprise and by the fact that he actually remembered I wanted to vacation at Bali a long time ago. It was the first time we went out for lunch and he asked me if I had a bucket list. I didn't think he'll care and here we are in Bali on a nice summer evening as we sat at the balcony of our suite, eating roast beef with rice and looking over at the stunning deep ocean, enjoying this blissful evening.

Bali is a gorgeous place, a city in heaven stationed on earth damn! The beaches, vegetation and oh my God everything is so gorgeous. I'm totally in love with this place, I think I can Rest In Peace if I should die right now, knowing I got to experience this heaven.

We toured all day long, making friends with some tourists. Drey did much of the talking, I wasn't uncomfortable no. I was being plain me, I'm not great with crowds you know.

Drey suggested we go out to one of the restaurants to dine, saying our friends said their food is good and perfect for the night. I am too tired to throw on a dress and walk in heels to go out and dine. I had to convince Drey for us to stay behind, cook our own food and eat and savor the beauty of the lagoon view and evening with just the two of us.

He agreed and cooked us dinner, rice with roast beef, a glass of juice for me and a glass of wine for Drey. I wasn't eating much, not because the food isn't delicious. I'm so tired, I wish Drey would carry me into the bathroom, strip me out of my clothes and give me a warm bath. And when he's done, get me into my sleepwear and bed and finally sing me a lullaby till I sleep.

Yeah that's how lazy I am. Unfortunately, I can't let Drey do that. It's inappropriate and something I can't decipher for me yeah. For me I can't allow someone I'm not married to the access to strip me out of my clothes, bath me and get me into new ones. I don't know about others but for me I just can't.

"Babe." Drey called, stealing my attention. "You aren't eating, isn't it delicious?"

"It is b, I'm just tired. I want someone to bath me."

"Why someone when I'm here." He winked scooting closer to me, "I give the best baths you know. They're unforgettable and mind blowing."

I laughed, he can't be serious. "I've never heard of unforgettable and mind blowing baths and thank you very much I'll pass."

"It's a golden opportunity you're missing love. Think about it, I stripping you out of your clothes with my golden hands, preparing a bath and giving you, dry your body with a towel and get you into new clothes all with my golden hands. And in the bath, I'll give you some feelings you've never experienced be—"

"It's okay Drey, I'll pass like I said before, you pervert!" He chuckled, caressing my cheeks and amused at my reaction. Though there wasn't much lightening Drey still could see my flushed face. Idiotic perv!

"C'mon babe, you don't wanna miss this golden opportunity, do you?"

"Which part of I'll pass don't you understand?"I asked him laughing.

"The part where you're telling me you'll pass yet you're blushing. It tells me you don't wanna pass, you do want it. C'mon don't be shy." Drey pinched my cheeks making funny facial expressions.

I giggled just looking at him. Drey is being cute and funny right now wit his funny face. He stopped and batted his lashes at me, "c'mon babe, daddy's waiting."

"Wait till thy kingdom come, I ain't letting you gimme a bath."

"With you it will be worth the wait. I can't wait to strip you out if your clothes, getting an everlasting mind imprint view of you and run my fingers—"


"Then accept it now, babe."

"No I won't."

Drey wouldn't hear of me not wanting him to give a bath with his golden hands. We bickered all night and when I finally decided to let him have the last word, Drey asked me to sing him a song. He placed his head on my lap, I drew circles on his cheeks, running my fingers through his hair. I sang I will always love you by Whitney to him and moved to Halo and other songs till I head him being all quiet. I stole a glance at him. He was asleep and looking handsome, his lips were parted and his fingers were entwined with mine.

He was looking so peacefully and his head laid on my laps like they were the most softest pillow ever made. My heart swell knowing he trusted my laps enough to fall asleep like that on them.

Drey is too heavy for my tiny hands to carry upstairs to his room. I gently took his head off me and went into my room, taking a blanket and pillows and headed down to the balcony. We were lucky it was a couch we can sleep on and not a bamboo chair. I positioned him at the back of the couch, resting his head on a pillow and slept with me in front of him. I pulled the blankets over us.

I couldn't look at Drey's face, my back was turned to him so I did what I do most nights. Imagine his cute face, being funny till I drifted off to sleep.

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