2. Finally!🤩

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and blasting my ears,groaning, I searched for it with my hand not bothering to get up and turn on my bedside lamp. I found it near my right ear, no wonder it was blasting my ears.I didn't even look at the caller ID and pressed it to my ear after picking.

"Ella where are you ?" I heard Nessa's voice ask, I wasn't fully wake you know.

"You just woke me up, it's not even 6 in the morning go back to sleep, let's talk when we wake up alright?"

"Ellaaaaaaaaaaa!" Nessa shouted through the phone.

"What's with the shouting it's too early."

"It's 9am Ann you should have been here by 8:50am, I can't believe you're still in bed" she said sounding disappointed.

"Gosh I'm sorry I overslept, I'll be there in 5, I promise."

"I hear you , bye."

This harmattan weather has seriously deceived me, it looks like its 5am instead of 9am, I hurried to the bathroom and did my morning duty. I threw on a black pencil skirt with a white turtleneck top and black stiletto heels,to look a bit formal and my black tote bag for work.

I applied nude lip gloss and took my car keys from my study table and left going down the flight of stairs in a hurry,without tripping thank God

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I applied nude lip gloss and took my car keys from my study table and left going down the flight of stairs in a hurry,without tripping thank God. My mum was at the kitchen, I kissed her cheeks, "Good morning mum."

"Good morning my dear, you seem to be in a rush so I won't take much of your time, have a nice day."

"Thank you mum you too, bye, I love you."

I didn't wait for her reply and left to the garage, starting the ignition after getting into my car,slowly easing my way out of the garage and out the gate to the street. Being late to Nessa's house means being late to work today.

Thankfully for me, she was in the same estate as me, I parked the car and dailed her number it was busy I didn't risk going to her house to make me more late.

"I'm in front of your gate."

"I'm coming" and she hanged up, she appeared in less than a minute phone pressed to the ear wearing a blue mom jeans with a black fitting sweater and black converse.

I started the ignition once again and sped off  hoping to beat traffic.

"Why were you late ? "Nessa asked me when she got off the phone, "don't tell me you were watching YouTube nail videos again."

"You know me so well don't you?"

"Duuh that's why I'm your best friend."

"Is it this curve ?" I asked her when we got to the Legon Gimpa  university road.

"Mmnh yeah and go straight."

"I know right babe."

I increased my speed arriving there in five minutes,"Order an Uber when you're done imma pay" I told Nessa when she got out of the car.

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