39. Mon beau Monsieur

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Anniella's POV

I'm like a mother taking her child to school for the first time, so hard and difficult to part with them. Months ago, I wouldn't have thought it will be this difficult leaving Bali if I were to ever come here.

Right now I'm a pathetic mess, crying silently as I stare out of the window of the jet, taking a last look of Bali. Mine and Drey's three weeks stay in Bali has been nothing but thrilling, I'll give anything to have those moments back.

The adventures we went on with the gang. Yeah that's how I call them now, they can be so noisy and annoying but they're the best! I miss Olga and Dubraska and for the men I miss Shaurya most right now. This Indian is the funniest and loudest. He had me laughing my ass off with his crazy jokes at the beach and Tegenungan Waterfall and his hilarious mannerisms during our spa day and the day we rode the camels.

I do miss the food too particularly Mie Goreng, Indonesian fried noodles dish. I can even feel it's taste on my tongue right now. The Padang Satay we ate at one of their local grill joints, Nasi Goreng with  smoothies at Kelly's Warung and our last dinner at the resort oh my God I wanna go back Bali right now!!

"Stop sulking babe, I told you we are gonna come back here." Drey brought his hand to mine on my lap but I was quick in snatching my hand away from his.

I reluctantly agreed to leaving Bali with him because of his jealous. Since that time at the beach, Drey has gotten more irritable, being jealous at the least stare from Gael who he's been nagging is interested in me. He barred me from going out with them and chose to stay with me during our last days in Bali.

"Like c'mon Drey I'm a full grown woman, you can't just stop me from going out. What will you then if we get back home? Chain me to prevent me from going to school?" I unintentionally yelled at him last night in our first argument as a couple.

"I know you are but can't you also see this is not easy for me?" He run his fingers through his hair for the umpteenth time that night.

"It's not easy for me either yet I don't go about restricting you." I said my last words and stormed out of the room. I slept alone at the balcony last night, refusing to go to my room which smelt so much of Drey.

"Don't do that love, please." He pleaded with me going for my hands one more time. This time around, I made him take it. I'm tired of sulking and being mad at him. He makes it so difficult with his pleads and puppy eyes.

"Stop worrying me Drey."

"Not until you forgive me and smile for me."

"I'm not mad at you." It's not a total lie, no matter how hard I try I just can't. I only want him to see how wrong he is restricting me. I get it, he's right to be jealous but he can't pin me down, he's not my mama or papa. And it's not like I'm going to go anywhere or run off with Gael away from Bali.

"Then why were you sulking? Is it because of my attitude lately?"


"I've told you Ann, I'm so sorry. I'm never going to do that again, been thinking about it and realized if I carry on with this attitude, it's going to cause a fall out between us and I don't want that. You're my life Ann, I'll be destroyed if you ever leave me."

"Enough of your poetic lines, I'm not mad." To show him I meant it, I got up from my seat and sat myself on his laps, looking into his eyes, "I can't ever be mad at you, I just wanted you to know how wrong you were and I'm glad you did."

"Seriously babe?" Drey inquired happy with my words. I nodded at him causing him to crash his lips on mine and yeah you as you know, sharing saliva for a long long time. "I'm never going to that again, I promise." He said after breaking apart, his chest heaving as he caught his breath.

"Okayyy so where are we going next?" Drey told me we aren't going back home, rather to another country.

"To a country which is not in your bucket list, a country know for its spectacular arts, architecture, food, you name it." Drey replied me counting off his fingers like he was a little kid doing his maths homework.

See why I can't be mad it him though he can be super annoying, which he became lately. Drey is so cute, his smiles, facial expressions and affections oh I can't get enough. "Tell me already!" Is it Italy?

"Guess babe, you aren't being fun." He rolled his eyes at me in a girlish way.

"Don't roll your eyes at me you big baby, Italy?"

"Did you just consult encyclopedia?" He looked at me in fake surprise.

"Idiot boo, we're both here and I never pulled my phone out."

"Yeah yeah, I know. And yes! We're going to Bel Paese!" He exclaimed in an Italian accent. I never knew Drey could speak Italian aside his native tongue French.

"Parli Italiano?" I racked my brain saying the only Italian I'm able to speak.

Drey stared at me like I just grew another head. I've stunned him with my little Italian, "provami bambina."

"What does it mean?" 

"Weren't you speaking Italian a minute ago?"

"Yes I was, erm actually it's the only thing I can speak and understand so tell me."

"It's a simple thing, I said try me babe."

"Boo you gotta teach me Italian seriously." It's one language aside French and Arabic that I fancy. I love how it sounds, it's kinda sexy for me just saying.
"Hell no, I'm only going to teach you French and make sure you perfect it before Italian."

"And why's that?"  He's so mean!

"Can you just imagine how I'll look in front of my kinsmen if my wife can speak Italian and not French and who taught her? Me."

"Oh yeah, you're right. Then it's a deal, so when can I begin my French lessons,Mon beau Monsieur." I winked at him to add more effect to it.

"How about tonight?" Drey bit his lips seductively.

I cackled, clutching my stomach. "Damn boo, that was hot and hilarious. I wish you could see you biting your lips that way."

"I'm always hot babe, that's why you love me."

"We aren't going to bicker over this are we?"

"If you think not then I'm sorry you're in for one." He locked his phone, setting it aside. "So Miss Anniella Morrison, do you have any objections?"

"Hell yes!"

Italy🇮🇹❤️🤸🏽‍♀️ here comes Dreyann❣️

It's one of the countries in my bucket list😅, I want to go  and have a tase of lasagna where it's originally from😂 ans of course Italian pizza too😂

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