24. Congratulations to the newest celebrity couple in town❤️💍🥂

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Thank you so much for the reads so far🥳, I appreciate y'all❤️.

Anniella's POV

I huff in annoyance at the students in the hallway. This is really getting annoying, I went with El to the salon yesterday to have our hair braided and got stares from the women who were in the salon. They stared, looking on their phones and pointing at me, they were smiling though.

It's worse in school today, their whispers and stares are getting on my nerves. I don't even know what all this fuss is about, some ladies came to me congratulating me. Like really? I don't remember winning an award or a beauty pageant other people I've never set my eyes on or talked to greeted me smiling at me, I flashed them a polite smile not wanting to be rude.

I quicken my pace, leaving the hallway as fast as I can, they're boring me asf. I wish I wore a baggy hoodie today so I can bury myself inside, I so hate this unnecessary attention they're giving me. I prefer everything on the low in school and at home, that's the reason why I don't have many friends.

Izzy entered the lecture hall, grinning like a Cheshire cat, her eyes dancing in excitement as she got near to me, "hey superstar!"

"I don't remember being one." Last time I checked I'm a normal teen who's living her best life with her loved ones and the love of her life and not a celebrity whose everyday life is a reality show.

"Well baby girl, you're now" Izzy sat on the seat beside me, "look around us, can you see the people who're staring at you and admiring you like you're an idol?"

"I don't even get what all this unnecessary fuss is about, Izzy" I said with an eye roll, taking out my phone to send a text to Drey. I miss my baby boo so very much, it sucks not seeing right now.

"You're the fuss baby girl, lemme show you!" Izzy unlocked her phone, going to the gram. She searches through her feed till she gets to a particular post and handed her phone over to me.

It's a video of Drey and I at his parents' house on New Year, when he pulled up his beautiful surprise. I swiped to the many other videos showing Drey giving his speech, kissing me and we doing the solo of Perfect, the ring sharing and our dance. A certain viral videos account posted them, with the caption, One of New York's most eligible bachelors and celebrity Andre Archambeau yesterday proposed to the love of his life Anniella Naana Morrison at his parents' New Year Party in their million dollar estate. Congratulations to the newest celebrity couple in town, Dreyann❤️!!

The post had millions of likes and comments, most of them were you two are goals, congratulations Dreyann, such a beautiful pair and so much more. Honestly I think the caption is overrated, it's as if he asked me to be his wife. "So this is all what the fuss is about?"

"Yes darling, you're now the newest celebrity girlfriend in town, everyone adores you now, you totally wowed them with your solo" Izzy excitedly said, "Can I get an autograph please ?because you're now my star crush!"

I laughed beside myself, I can't be bored and quiet around Izzy,she definitely knows how to lighten a mood, "You do know what this means Izzy?"

"Yeah that you'll get a huge fan base on social media."

"No, I've lost any sort of privacy I have, my movements and life now is going to be an open book for all to see." Drey never told me this comes along with loving him and being with him. I didn't know he was this popular, I thought his days in the modeling industry is over and since those two girls from the coffee shop said he has left the limelight, the media must have forgotten about him.

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