6 . Dont you move an inch

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Thanksgiving day🥀.

"I'll go take my bath and get ready right now." I stretch my hands under the faucet and turn it on. I added a little lemon grass liquid soap to it and washed my hands. I took a clean napkin from the counter and wipe my hands dry with it.

Carmen puts a deep fry pan on the cooker and poured oil in it. "Okay dear, I'll fry these."

"Why don't we wait when the guests start arriving then we fry them, they're gonna be hot and more delicious."

"Honey, the guests have arrived , there are like five different families around." She told me putting the spring rolls I just finished making into the pan.

"Oh okay I didn't know."

"You were so engrossed in the spring rolls preparation to notice." She tells me.

"Okay, I'll see you when I'm done."
It's Thanksgiving day today and Uncle Richard has organized a dinner inviting his friends and close associates. It's my first time so I'm kinda anxious to see how it's like.

The previous weeks have been okay. Uncle Richard is working on my license so I'll soon get a car of my own.
Izzy, Chloe, Nessa and El all are happy in their love life and during these weeks, El and Izzy had talks with me and I gave them the advice I know though I'm not really experienced in the dating department.
I always go to the coffee shop before lectures but have met that rude jerk or crashed into him and I don't intend on meeting him ever again.

I crash into someone for the second time two rooms away from mine. "Im so sorry." I apologize to the person who happens to be Aunt Bertha.

"Don't worry honey, some friends of us have arrived and we want to introduce you to them, I went into your room and couldn't find you."

I pick up her phone from the floor and check for any damage. Thank God it's in a perfect shape and I hand it to her." I was making spring rolls in the kitchen."

Her face broke into a smile at the mention of spring rolls. She like the rest of my family love the spring rolls I make. They say it's delicious and one can eat it all the time without getting bored of it so I decided to make some for the guests who'll be coming today.

"Thank you dear, I know the guests will love them, I'll see you downstairs when you're down."

"Okay Aunt, I'll be down in 5." I take the remaining distance to my door and open it. Chloe and El were already in there getting ready. Chloe was in a cream and gold evening dress with gold ankle strap heels and her neck was adorned with a beautiful diamond necklace her hair was loose hanging up to her lower waist. She was looking flawless, a definition of a beauty queen with her beautiful white skin.

She was standing in front of El who was sitting in front of my vanity. Chloe being her make up artist for the night. She always rocks the make up and styling thing but is pursuing political science at New York University. Her parents want her to follow her dad's footstep. He's the mayor of Montclair. She isn't too happy about it and is always sulking.

El was also looking stunning in her red dinner dress that reached below her knees, legs cladded in a stiletto heels though they're went ankle strap, they looked fairly similar to Chloe's.

I went into the bathroom, took a quick bath and draped myself in a towel and walked back into the bedroom. Chloe was done with El's make up and was on hers. I put on my pantie and take a bra to wear when Chloe's voice halted me.

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