45. Epilogue🌚

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Anniella's POV

Drey and I got back to the states a month ago after my father had a man to man talk with Drey and approved him for me. He was so happy and talked about it all the time and still says it after coming back here. Our last days in Ghana were like we were on a honeymoon, so blissful, romantic and full of happiness, it was the best part of this whole vacation.

I was his tour guide all the time we went out to the beach, tourist sites in Accra and outside Accra too. We went to the movies, a romantic ball organized at the plush Kempinski Hotel and a lovers seminar that rekindled our love deeper and stronger. Drey all through out in short made me feel like a princesse, giving me a sweet blissful feeling, I'll give anything to get back.

I was so sad when we left Ghana. Months ago I would never have thought the summer break I was dreaming to spend with Drey will turn out like this, if I knew I would have made us go in a heartbeat. He promised we will do it again  and I can't wait, we arrived in New Jersey at dawn and he dropped me off at home later in the day after I slept over at his and helped me with my heavy luggages consisting of my suitcases for clothes and another for the souvenirs we, mostly I, collected in Bali, Italy, France and lastly Ghana.

You can imagine the look on El, Chloe and Izzy's face when I handed each what I got for them, it was so priceless. I was so pleased seeing them gush and fuss over them especially the Bali tees and panties. Aside those, they loved the expresso cups and Italian cheese and pasta from Italy, Savon de Marseille and bags Drey and I got for them from the Luis Vuitton store in France and beads, paintings and Kente from Ghana.

They bugged me for deets of what happened between Drey and I during the summer. I had to roll my eyes and be like, "girls it was a vacation not a honeymoon, nothing happened."
I told them about the gang too and how Cael bores my left ass, seducing Drey in his bedroom one time they came over to ours. They got so mad, especially Chloe who wish she was there to beat the shit out of her for trying that on Drey who she refers to as her brother in-law, such sweet but crazy sisters I've got.

I'm currently back from lectures, making my way to the kitchen to get myself a chilled bottle of soda.I huff, today was the most boring at school. Geez, nothing was ever interesting. From the lectures to the seminar, I even felt I'm losing interest in schooling with what happened today. I'm not one to ditch classes but today I wanted beyond anything to get the hell out of the lecture hall and far away from campus. I wasn't the only one, Izzy shared my wish, whiles I was a talk and no action, she left campus and never returned leaving me bored and all alone. Idiota. "Hey Carmen."

"Hello baby girl, how was your day?" Is there a day Carmen never stays away from the kitchen and her cooker? She's here as always, hunched behind her cooker, obviously cooking. I think she needs to get a life, this whole kitchen thing is totally not so fun.

"It was meh." I said shrugging to which she frowned, disapproving if it. I'm lucky she didn't hit me with her wooden spoon. "Okay sorry, my day wasn't the most fun."

"I thought as much, El sang the same tune too.Do you two wanna take a break? You know like from school?"

Do I? No, I'm a year behind and all I wish for is get this university thing done and over with so I can start working and do the one thing I'm most passionate about aside Drey and nail videos. "Nope, it will get better." I told her popping the p.

"Just know you can do so anytime, are you hungry? There are left overs from lunch today." She asked chopping veggies.

"Nah, I'm good. I'll be in my room if you need me." Smiling, I took my backpack I used today and stole cookies from it's jar, grabbing a soda from the fridge before leaving the kitchen to my room. I have this assignment I need to complete before the end of this week and it's Thursday already. It isn't something I'm going to piss my pants over, I can get it done from now till evening that's why I've delayed in doing it.

I need to just make a little research, coin my own thesis and then I'm good to go, nothing out of the ordinary. What I wanna do right now is munch on these cookies in my hands and drink the soda and then get into bed, texting and watching movies till I fall asleep.

The assignment can wait a day more, I promise to finally do it tomorrow. It's like I'm still bored from school, nothing pertaining to school is of interest now.

I changed my clothes, getting into a tank top and boy shorts. The newest addition to my closet, they're so comfy I couldn't wait to try them on when I purchased them yesterday.

The soda I had placed on my bedside table was now dripping wet from the ice melting, giving me an extra work of cleaning it. I did that quickly, getting into bed and turning the television on. I was disappointed my Netflix wasn't working, I haven't been able to pay for the subscription for some days now.

Idiotic me should have fixed this problem before deciding to watch movies today and now my movie time is ruined. Hmm, I stuffed a whole cookie into my mouth and munched on it. Bringing the soda to my lips, I took a swing from it, placing it back on the bed and unfortunately, It spilled on my new beautiful sheets!!!! How heartbreaking!! The very sheets I refused to allow El lay her legs on, now it's soiled just because of this ugly soda, aaarrggggggg!

El peeped into my room, grinning like a Cheshire Cat, it grew wider as her eyes moved to my stained sheets, "talk about karma? I can still hear your ugly loud voice in my ears yelling to me not to touch yo sheets or lay on it, your very own sissy."

"Shut up El! Your legs weren't that clean the day I told you that." I told her, rolling eyes upwards.

She walked towards my bed still grinning, there was this mischievous glint in her eyes that I should have known weren't good till she intentionally poured the coke she was drinking on my bed. "Oops, sorry." She stared at the sheets with wide yes before looking at me with a fake apologetic face.

I groaned, muttering insults in twi under my breath, I've been speaking more of twi after getting back from Ghana.I huffed in annoyance and aimed for El's white hoodie, it's pay back time baby. The liquid spilled on her hoodie, ruining it completely and making a world map shape on it.

Now it was her turn to get pissed. She rolled her eyes, scowling real hard. I laughed at her mad face and pulled my lips into a smug smile, "pay back ba—"

The words didn't leave my words when I felt a cold liquid on me, no MY NEW COMFY TANK TOP AND SHORTS!!! It was all ruined! Can my day get any worse? First it was a whole boring day at the university, my Netflix not working then my sheets getting stained with my own soda and El's coke and now my new clothes? Oh God, I groaned and facepalmed myself. Maybe I shouldn't have given in to this temptation of not doing my assignment. All this wouldn't have happened if I had.

Next time, I'll put school work before any sort of entertainment. I glared murderously at El who stood there staring at me in amusement, "what? I thought it was all a game." She shrugged her shoulders like it was going to wash my sheets and clothes. She doesn't really know what's coming at her.

I smiled evilly, walking closer to her with my soda bottle still in hand. One thing El doesn't joke about is her dainty perfect hair and that's what I'm going to get. I raised the bottle, tilting it and pouring majority of its content in her hair. It's a pity, the soda isn't mixed with glitter. It would have been the perfect revenge for El, glitter soda hair! "Yeah it is and may the best win."

I winked at her, backing away for her. Her eyes shot daggers at me for ruining her hair. The look on her face is priceless, I wish I had my phone in my hands to take pictures of it, to tease her after everything.

I wasn't swift in getting away for her, cold coke came pouring down on my hair, flowing to my eyes and mouth. El stood in front of me and broke into loud fits of laugher. Her laugher was contagious, I joined in and we both fell to the floor, laughing and giggling like little mischievous girls. So much for my day being meh, it wasn't bad after all.

I'm sorry to have posted the epilogue of this book without a notice or a hint it was coming to an end😪.On the brighter side🤸🏽‍♀️, I want to write book two of this either as a continuation of this very book or as a separate book. I just don't know which to go by🌚

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