16. Want a strip tease?

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Anniella's POV

I beamed the moment I woke up from bed , the events of yesterday replaying in my head. Finally Andre and I are dating. I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me, I'll be a girlfriend this very year. I was determined to wait till after graduation and here I am now , head over heels in love with one dashing French man.

Andre really made my night singing perfect, the lyrics kinda seem like our lives where Andre has found me.

I had gotten out of bed very early even though I woke up late. I'm currently sitting at my study table , revising for my exams after Christmas break, how annoying . Celebrating Christmas and being in the mood only for you to go back to school and write exams.

My door squeaked open revealing a grinning  El in basketball shirts and hoodie with phone in hand , "Ann you gotta see this." She hurried and sat on my bed not before pulling me on the bed too , "see this!"

What's all this exciting about? I took the phone from her hands and looked at whatever has gotten her in this mood. It was a post by Andre, a picture of me I didn't know he took.
He had posted it on Instagram with a French caption which I have no idea of , knowing Drey it'll be something sweet.

There were so many comments from people who were glad Andre was back on the gram and others who were surprised he's posted my picture since he's never posted his girl or fling or whatever you can think of aside his sister on his page before.

Others too were gushing over the caption saying it's so sweet , so romantic yeah you know it.
And you know we can't live in a world without those who can't resist throwing shade when there's so much happiness around. They were saying it's gonna end in tears like most celebrity relationships do.

I face palmed , "why can some people be so mean and hateful ?"

El grimaced and rolled her eyes , "haters will always hate , they're only jealous Andre has found someone who is not them , don't let them get to you ."

"Yeah you're right." I agreed with El on that, Andre is a top notch personality who's very handsome, most girls will love to be in my place right now , I'm not letting it get into my head , I'm only stating facts.

"So how was it." El wiggled her brows at me, excited in knowing what happened.

"So you tell Chloe for you two to tease me forever? No thank you."

"Awww pleeeeeaaaasssseeeeee." She screeched in my ears giving me her best puppy eyes. She's being loud as if she wasn't part of the planning.

I resisted the urge to laugh seeing her give me puppy eyes , "you should know since you were part of the planning."

"I wouldn't have asked if I knew Ann, spill it!"

I raised my hands in surrender and got off the bed suiting back on my study seat , El would definitely pinch my cheeks telling me I told you so, I'm not going to take that risk. "It was amazing, one of the best nights of my life , Andre confessed his love for me, we shared saliva under a mistletoe bough and had a good time in the sea and on the sand , happy ?"

El sat there all this while in concentration, breaking into a huge smile when I was done and came closer to me , "I told you so! I told you ,you two can't front in front of me , I knew you loved each other and here you are being the official girlfriend of one of New York's most smashing CEOs!" She squealed and pinched my cheeks.

Oh so I was right and wrong, I should haven't forgotten she was in the room and would get up to pinch my cheeks, "ouch El." I yelped laughing.

"It's joy Ann, how do you feel ? Excited, happy, relieved?"

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