4. Welcome to New Jersey!

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Hey guys❤️ I picture China Anne McClain as Anniella 😌, she's the one I've got in mind rn 😩❤️.

I toss and turn in bed finally waking up, I rub my eyes and sit up on bed, yawning. I wasn't able to sleep well last night, I kept thinking about today. Yeah that restlessness when you anticipate going somewhere or doing something especially an excursion, camp or holidays.

I leap out from bed going into my bathroom when I remember our flight is in the morning, 9:00 am and we need to get there an hour or two earlier.

After brushing and bathing, I look through my walk-in closet, searching for an outfit. I settle on a black Adidas hoodie, skinny jeans and vans. I comb my hair, typing it in a tight bun on my head and use a styling gel to do my baby curls. I look at the time of my phone, it's only 7 :15 in the morning,great, I finished in record time because I woke up at 7.

I run down the stairs and stopped to see Nessa, her mother and my parents with Aunt Bertha and Uncle Richard in the living room chatting away.

I kiss each one of them on their cheeks. "Good morning fam." They had toasts and fried eggs with coffee in front of them for breakfast. I dragged Nessa with me to the kitchen and sat on the island with her. She had this sad look on her face that made my heart ache, I hate seeing my best friend like this. The last time I saw her with that face was when the court finally granted her parents divorce petition granting her mother the sole ownership of all their properties. I'm not throwing shade yeah but her dad was a pauper who got married to her mother just for her money and when he got access to it started going out with different women.

I sigh, I seem to be doing this a lot lately." Heyy cheer up, we've talked about everything and figured everything out, imma be your bestie even over there, distance isn't going to separate us, we go way back b."

Nessa looks at my face running her fingers through her hair. "Yeah I know right, it's just this insecurity of mine you meeting some one way cooler over there and choosing her over me."

I laugh out loud yeah but sober up, adjusting myself so I look at her face. "Babes like I said distance can't separate us, get over that insecurity, I don't wanna leave you like this," "I'm gonna FaceTime you most of the time when we're both free, we'll even forget I'm gone from here."

"Alright Alright, I've heard you uptee girl."

I go to the refrigerator and grabbed five  snicker bars from the freezer ,chuckling when she called me that. Who else likes their snicker bars freezing cold ? Throwing two to Vanessa and stuffing two in my hoodie pocket, I ate the remaining one, licking my lips in the process, yummy!

Nessa looks at me, fiddling her fingers."My mum will have me transferred to a university  in Europe."

"To study neurosurgery or continue the medicine?" I asked her.

"To study neurosurgery, you know it's my passion." She said with eyes twinkling.

She's been bugging us for years since forever saying she wants to be a neurosurgeon, learning to get the required grades for it and unfortunately she was given Medicine at her current university.

"That's a great news babes so when?" I squealed I'm so happy for her, she's finally going to study what she's passionate about.

"My mum is still working on it but I'm sure this year."

My dad's arrival to the kitchen cut short our conversation. "Honey it's time to go to the airport."

I got up from my seat trudging to my room to take my side bag. I take a last look at my room, touching the framed pictures of my family, pictures of Nessa with me in high school and the various awards I had back in school. I give my bed a pat, " I'll miss you buddy, be good y'all!"

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