11. Will they taste like chocolate ?

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Andre's POV

The meeting lasted for four hours. Some of the investors were being hard headed and tried to double cross us , business is business. I put them in their place.

I'm heading into the bathroom to take my bath. I'm so exhausted and hungry. I sat through the four hours meeting with just breakfast in my stomach and went to the other meeting with the chef. I was completely exhausted by the time I ended it and had to reply the emails that were close to two weeks old.

I prepared a warm bath for myself . Enjoyed it till it ran cold. I dried myself with a towel and got into sweatpants with no top. I took my phone from my suit pocket and ordered Niçoise salad from the restaurant in the hotel.

Less than five minutes later the intercom buzzed letting me know the food was in . I pressed the door release button and the waiter came in. "Bonsoir Monsieur."

"Bonsoir." I took the food from him and he excused himself. The salad wasn't really my favorite but for my health sake I had to eat.
Tonight I'm watching a movie on Netflix, Spy.
I love Agent Susan Cooper, she's hilarious.

I laughed my ass off through out the movie and in the end I was kinda sad she didn't accept to go on that date with Bradley.

What if Anniella eventually rejects the lunch date ?Speaking of Ann I received a text from her , I was in a meeting so I couldn't reply.
I look for my phone on the couch to text her back but couldn't find it. I might have left it in the room.

I switched the tv off and went back into my room and found the phone lying on my bed.
I unlocked it immediately and sent a hey.
Hey❤️ sorry for the late reply , I was in a meeting.
I shut the screen and set it aside on the bed.
I made for the bathroom to brush my teeth , I don't like the smell of veggies in my mouth.

Coming back to the room, I found a message from Anniella and opened it, reading it's content.
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
No problem , I wanted to say thank you for the ride this morning.
No need to thank me , it was a compensation for wasting your time. I enjoyed the ride 🤗.
Ma jolie fille brune 🌹❤️
Even when we were both silent?
Actions speak louder than words love❤️
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
Yeah you're right.
So whatcha doing ?
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
I'm browsing through instagram 😒
Why that face ?
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
I'm bored out of my mind😩
Can I suggest something ?
Ma jolie fille brune 🌹❤️
If it can get me outta this bored mood then sooooo yassss!😩😂
Listen to music 😊, it helps me a lot when I'm all alone and bored .
Ma jolie fille brune 🌹❤️
You sound like you're an outcast😂
😂 I'm kinda an outcast love.
Ma jolie fille brune
Why don't you have friends ?
No ,I just found a friend
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
Who's that ?
You love .
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
I'm honored 😌❤️
I'm the one who's honored to be your friend.
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
Lol okay. I''m gonna try your suggestion rn .
Gimme the feedback , I gotta go to bed love , tomorrow's a busy day .
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
Okay , Goodnight😴❤️
Sweet dreams 🌹
Ma jolie fille brune🌹❤️
You too Andre❤️

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