21. God really was showing off when He created you

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"Ann let's get going, it's already 3 in the morning." Drey pressured me, "We have a new year dinner with my parents today, we have to catch some sleep." He looked at my face waiting for me to give in.

"Okayyy, one minute more please."

"Annnnnn." He pleaded with me, we were all tired, El and Chloe left a while ago leaving Drey and I alone at a restaurant in Times Square.

I took his hand in mine, "okay let's go." I'm so tired and exhausted standing in the pen for 12 hours waiting for the ball to start dropping at 11:59pm at Times Square.

What I read in the search results weren't as fun and way more thrilling than experiencing it firsthand. We went around noon and met a lot of anxious crowd waiting for the event to start.

There were a lot more performances from celebs who made it more lit. I stared in awe when the ball began dropping, my eyes kinda followed it till it landed and joined the rest of the crowd in cheering a big, "happy new year."

I was caught off guard when Drey kissed me, and when I looked around our pen at the rest of the crowd, there were a lot more couples who were so engrossed in sharing saliva to notice whatever was going on. Chloe and Rohit were not left out.

El and Darrel went overboard, but who I'm I to complain? When they're so in love. We waited for most of the crowd in our own to go out of it before we left to a restaurant around Times Square. I left immediately to the bathroom, my bladder wanted to explode from the urine I've kept during the 12 hours wait.

Drey and I ordered French fries with chicken stripes and the rest ordered steak with fries and grilled potatoes. We sat there and made conversations till we ran out of topics, that's when the others left leaving Drey and I.

I finally got to meet Rohit Singh Alawal, Chloe's Indian boyfriend that got her pinned down, not forcefully though, it's her choice. She referred to herself as a free bird who cannot be pinned down by one man, she's wild and free to go out with any man without being labeled as a girlfriend or anything.

Now I see a new Chloe, even El agrees with me. The way her eyes look at Rohit in adoration tells us she's really in love. He also looks at her like Chloe's the most cutest angel on earth.

From their conversation, I got to know they've been together for three months now and that's unlike her, like I did before she's a free bird who doesn't last close to a month in her flings.
Rohit told us they met through a political friend of theirs and they instantly clicked and have been inseparable since.

Rohit is also from a political family but unlike Chloe, he's studying civil engineering at Harvard and will be graduating this new year to head their family company.

"Will you go to mine or yours?" Drey asked when we got into the car after maneuvering our way through the thick crowd on the streets, there were so excited and with the way their energy is up, you might think it's daytime on a national festive day.

"I'll go to mine and meet you at your parents' with my family." It's much acceptable going there with my family than with Drey.

Drey was cool with it, "that's fine, buckle your seatbelt love."

I did as he said, after buckling it I turned on the radio, listening to the songs being played.

I felt my body being carried in a strong pair of arms, opening my eyes, I found myself in Drey's arms being carried to my room.

He opened my door and gently laid me on the bed, "I'll see you later in the day, Alright?" He pecked my forehead, "sleep well babe."

"Goodnight too baby boo, I love you."

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