42. Mmnh I'm flattered

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Andre's POV

The fear of Ann's parents not liking me after the incident has now consumed me after waning for awhile. We're on our way to Ann's house in an Uber, after Ann advised me not to rent a car because she has her own car relaxing in their garage for her.

Though it's my first time coming to Ghana, I can't bring myself to looking out of the window and sight see as the car sped through the city. My mind isn't relaxed as Ann who's so excited we're in her home country. All my attention is focused on my thoughts, what are we going to say coming here out of the blue without informing anyone and what will be the reaction of her parents when they see us, particularly me. Will they approve of me for Ann or kick me out of their house and worst, out of Ann's life?

I fidgeted with my hands which didn't go unnoticed by Ann. She stared me closely, "are you okay? You've been quiet since we landed at the airport. Don't you like my country like I did yours?" Ann pouted, giving me a sad face as she pulled the hair on my skin playfully.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just tired and I do like your country." How can I tell her I'm afraid of her parents rejecting and not approving of me for her. It will dampen her spirit and I don't want to be the cause of her regretting she came here. What if things aren't what I'm thinking off?

What if they don't hate me and rather prefer me for their daughter? There's only one way to find out and get answers to all these ifs  in my mind which I can't share with my baby, only my mother and unfortunately she isn't here.

"I can't believe you brought me here babe."

"A little bird told me how much you miss your parents and want to see them so I decided to surprise you with a trip here."

"Does that little bird happen to be El?"

"Aren't you asking an obvious question love?" I pinched her soft cheeks, making her giggle.

"What other secret plans have you two made of me?"

"They won't be secrets anymore if I tell you."Ann rolled her eyes at me and roughly pulled a strand of hair on my hand, causing me to yelp, "that's painful babe."

"That's the motive and that's what you get for not telling me."

"Do you have to be mean sometimes?"

"What's the fun in being a good girlfriend all the time?" Why does she keep answering my questions with a question?

"Mmnh no fun at all." She's right, girlfriends shouldn't be so good all the time, once in a while they got to show the jezebel side of theirs. You know, deleting all the female contacts on their boyfriends phone, burning his clothes, smashing his PlayStation and painting his room bright pink.

Just to piss him off and create some sort of liveliness in the relationship. It's more fun if the boy doesn't get super mad but joins in it, retaliating and making it a game between them. Genius right? I'm going to start doing that from now.

I want to see her reaction. Pissing off Ann is hilarious, seeing her mad face, her never ending eye rolls and hand smacks. Boy I want to see more of it. "I love you Drey, I never want to lose you." She rested her head on my chest, drawing shapes on the glass window, "you're my world, you've shown me things I never dreamed off, feelings I never thought I'll catch and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Words can't express how I feel about and appreciate you. I love you boo."

"I love you more than you do babes, if I may ask why the sudden love poetry?" Is she thinking what I'm thinking? That her parents don't like me and they'll kick me out of her life so she's telling me how she feels about me if we eventually break up? Gosh I mentally face palmed I'm being so negative today.

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