30.Let's pick up from where we were disrupted

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I'm so sorry for the late update😔. My sincere apology🙏🏼❤️

I gasped, "what?" Drey has a sister? I was never told he has one or he not once did he mention or talk about her to me.

"Yes my baby sister, she comes after me. She was already in France the time I went there doing a project."

"What project?"

"A humanitarian project, she owns an NGO in Africa, helping people who live in abject poverty."

"Oh okay." I am a little relieved she's his sister but why was she in a disguise? "Why did she disguise herself?"

He hesitated before answering, "because of me."

Huh? I don't get this, why should she disguise herself when she's out with Drey. Why is she afraid of being seen with him or she has a stigmatized disease or appearance. "Why you?"

"There was a criminal case of me being involved in drugs which was later debunked. I was exonerated because the evidences and everything revealed I was innocent and rather framed. My family was ridiculed, Adaline suffered the most because she was always seen with me by the paparazzi and sometimes worked with me her friends mocked and teased her saying her brother was a druggie and my career was built on drugs and not by my own potentials. My career was in shambles and she was also traumatized. After I was found innocent and freed, Adaline decided to leave the limelight and go low key. She realize lies spread by the media can destroy what you earn with your sweat in a total second. Adaline wanted to leave the panorama of the media and keep to herself, that's when I helped her set up her NGO."

Wow. I don't really know much Drey. He never told me about this drug issue and even his sister. I think it's agonizing for him to talk about it. One case solved, two more to go. I've heard his side of the pictures but he hasn't clarified who that lady I spoke with was or the sms case. "Drey, I called you and a lady picked up."

"Yeah I've been told—"

By now I was fuming with anger. He was told I called him and never bothered to call back or even send an sms. "So you knew I called and you didn't bother calling back?"

"Baby listen, that was Adaline, I lost my phone when we went to Eiffel Tower so I couldn't call back and she had an emergency so had to go back even before I finished taking my bath. That was the last time I heard of her."

"You mean you lost your phone before those pictures were taken?" It's either Drey is shitting me or someone really played one big joke on us.

"Yes, I didn't realize till I got home and wanted to call."

"So you weren't the one who sent the sms?"

"Nooo, how can I send an sms when my phone with my sim inserted is missing?

"Mmnh." His phone got lost before the pictures were posted and an sms was sent to from his number, ending things with us a day after the pictures were posted. Something isn't clicking here. There are missing pieces to this puzzle.

"What was the content of the message, show it to me lemme see if the location can be tracked."

"I've deleted it a long time ago, who keeps a beak up message?" I rolled my eyes.

"Our chances of finding out more about this mysterious sms is gone to the wind then."

I remember something, "one last thing Drey, was it Adaline  you were cozy with in your hotel?"

"What do you mean by cozy?"

"You were kissing her forehead, laughing at something with her and had your arms around her shoulders."

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