Chapter One

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Fall, 1468

It was easy to be forgotten in court, especially with a new queen and her family stealing all the attention. Katy had never been to court before; she had been sheltered away in Ireland until the time was right. Lady Kathryn, as she was known formally, was born to the Earl of Kildare and his wife. Her father, Thomas, felt it would be best if Katy make an appearance to the new king, Edward. He was under arrest in Ireland and charged with treason, and she was to plead his case.

And that is where her story really begins, in London, England. At her first visit to court, where she expected nothing less than to be looked over as the young Irish lady. She took deep breaths as she and her brother, Thomas, walked into the tower. England was very different from Ireland and her nerves began to build.

"Just relax, dear sister," Thomas spoke softly.

"What if they don't like me? What if we cannot have him pardoned?" Her light brown eyes swept around the glistening hall. Thomas couldn't help but laugh.

"Make them like you. You've certainly done that back home." She couldn't help but smile as they entered the great chamber. Her eyes immediately fell on the queen. Her fair skin, golden hair, and soft smile made it impossible to not notice her. Next to her sat Edward, King of England. He too had golden locks and bright eyes. His smile can and did brighten up the room. The two spoke softly as the other nobles were introduced. Thomas held Katy's arm as they moved slowly up the line. She felt the eyes of the established nobles moving over her. She was the youngest newcomer to court, but luckily not the youngest girl. Out of the corner of her eye sat a girl, no older than ten. Her mousy brown hair and light eyes shone in the sun. The young woman next to her, was about Katy's age. She had hair dark as the night sky, a stark contrast to her light blue eyes. She never showed any emotion and simply stood there.

"Sir Thomas FitzGerald and his sister, Lady Kathryn of Kildare." Katy curtsied as low as she could go, and Thomas bowed. The court became quiet, except for the flood of whispers.

"Quite a distance to travel, Sir Thomas," Edward's voice boomed. The whispers stopped all at once, everyone wanted to hear what he had to say next.

"Your Grace, we wish to present Lady Kathryn, the eldest of the daughters of Kildare. Kildare pledges itself to you as the one true anointed King," Thomas proclaimed. Edward stood up, his gold tunic shining in the bright lights, and started to clap. The rest of court joined in, commending Kildare in joining the Yorkist cause.

"She must have no manners. I hear the Irish are barbaric," the dark-haired woman whispered as Katy sat down.

"We're actually quite a pleasant people." Silence followed until Katy finally spoke up. "I'm Katy." The young woman looked offended Katy didn't recognize the entire table.

"I am Anne Neville, of Warwick. This is my sister, Lady Isabel," the young girl spoke excitedly.

"Well, Lady Anne, it is a pleasure to meet you," she spoke to the young girl, smiling softly. "Perhaps you can help me, for I know no one." Anne smiled, proud of herself.

"Anne, Isabel, come here." Isabel followed the woman immediately and Anne sulked behind her. And in the moment, Katy was alone. She was the Irish outcast. She felt at her most beautiful, in her finest gown, yet it was nothing compared to what the English were wearing.

Katy's thoughts were interrupted when a young man took a seat next to her and looked out over the ladies of court. "You might be better off without them. You'll soon find the ladies are full of jealousy." His eyes flashed towards the Neville girls, where Isabel's eyes filled with hate. "Especially when a new and beautiful woman begins to steal all the attention."

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