Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A/N- Light gore/blood warning

May 4th, 1471

Anne avoided Katy at all costs, making it a point to deliberately run the other direction when Katy approached. Katy attempted to plead with her through closed doors but was always sent away by Margaret's ladies. John was uneasy and always looking over his shoulder. The young man's sword had been taken and given to Prince Edward's men; John felt incomplete without it. He followed Katy carefully, ensuring she always had an escort. Katy stood in the main hall, away from Margaret and Anne.

"When will we know?" John whispered, facing away from the women. "It has been days," he advised.

"Soon," Katy lied. "I will not leave without Anne." She looked over at the girl, who helped tend to injured men coming in. "She may not want to, but I cannot leave her. She deserves much better." Had her men been coming in, she would help without any objections. Katy did not flinch watching the Lancastrian supporters flow through, blood covering their bodies. Any one she saved today, may turn tomorrow and harm her. She was safest removed from them. The other women did not ask for her assistance.

"What if they have lost?"

"We will address that only should we need to. I will not give up on them for a second time."

"Your Grace! My Lord Somerset instructed I come if I believe the battle lost," A young boy ran to Margaret.

"Where is Lord Somerset?" She questioned frantically. Anne brought the boy some ale, instructing him to dink. Katy held her breath, looking over John's shoulder.

"They took him from sanctuary. Richard and George held him down and Edward drew his sword..." he trailed off. Margaret looked at Katy, who showed no emotion. She simply nodded her head once.

"And my son? The Prince of Wales?" The boy said nothing, looking at the ground. Margaret stood straight, turning to Anne. "Have the horses ready. We are to retreat."

"Should we not wait?"

"Do as you are told if you wish to survive. It is not my first retreat and it should not be my last." Anne stood tall and smoothed her dress.

"What of the Prince?" Katy's heart broke, Anne did not understand the current predicament.

"Edward's men will be here soon. His men have no regard for you, me, or any of these women. They will kill us or worse, we must leave now. Be ready when I return," she commanded, pushing past Anne. She passed at the door, "Ensure the Duchess comes with us. You have my permission to use whatever means necessary."

"I will willingly go with the Princess," Katy asserted, moving towards Anne. Margaret moved away, revealing Roger in the door. Katy's hands shook and her jaw clenched, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Katy took a step back, tripping slightly. Anne watched full of confusion at Katy's sudden change in demeanor.

"Your Grace," he bowed. "You are willingly going to join her Grace, Princess Anne? That does not seem part of your character," he chuckled.

"You will stay away from me!" Katy yelled. John moved in front of her and Anne, taking a protective stance.

"Where is Lord Lovell? I should much rather have him here, for old times' sake."

"Your Grace, go to your horse," John commanded. "Go now! "Katy grabbed Anne's hand and rushed out.

"Stay on your horse, and stay with me," Katy called, running outside. "You will be safe with us."

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